Saturday, May 19, 2012

Upper Nazareth Township nixes 'donut hole' road plan FROM THE EXPRESS TIMES BY AMANDA GRIESSER For The Express-Times Upper Nazareth Township supervisors shot down a plan with holes in it. Township engineer Al Kortze told the supervisors Wednesday that one way to save money in the $220,000 road and maintenance budget is to cut "donut holes" into cul-de-sacs. A circle of blacktop four feet in diameter would be cut from cul-de-sacs and replaced with grass. Kortze said the plan would save the township $1,300 a year and $490,000 over the course of 21 years. But chairperson Mike Rinker immediately expressed concerns about fire trucks getting to homes. Kortze said it was determined a fire truck would still be able to fit in the cul-de-sac. Supervisor Andy Donello said cul-de-sacs do not receive as much traffic as other roads and require much less maintenance. He also said residents on cul-de-sacs told him they don't want donut holes. Kortze said donut holes are used in Bushkill Township. Rinker said donut holes "might be good for other townships but it's not good for ours. The board agreed that the proposal would not generate enough savings and voted not to pursue it. The township has a 5-year road maintenance plan overseen by Keystone Consulting Engineers. The plan involves major reconstruction of roads throughout the township.

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