Monday, November 21, 2011

Francesa calls DeSean Jackson "a punk"


Haven't listened to a lot of Mike Francesa on WFAN-AM 660 in New York ever since Chris "Mad Dog" Russo left for his own show on satellite radio. I still catch Russo's show now and then on SiriusXM.

But today I wanted to hear Francesa's response to that absolutely dreadful performance delivered by the Giants on Sunday night and Francesa didn't disappoint.

He ripped the Giants in general and Brandon Jacobs in particular after Jacobs said that the best thing Giants fans do is boo.

Francesa saved his best salvos for the Eagles' DeSean Jackson, however.

He said that if he were Andy Reid he would have strangled Jackson right at midfield after he cost the team about 50 yards with that silly taunting penalty.

Francesa said that Jackson is "everything that's wrong with pro football."

He said he'd rather lose than win with Jackson on his team and called him a punk.

He also added that Jackson should have been tossed from the game for bumping an official.

This was Francesa at his best. Agree or not, it was good radio.

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