Friday, September 04, 2009


Superintendent Lesky explaining the situation About OBAMA'S Speech(you can download the letter here).

By this morning, there were 1.6 million results in a Google search on the President’s message from the past 24 hours. The official Department of Education information is available here. The Department has also created classroom activities for teachers to implement prior to and following the speech (available here for K-6). The message is to be about 20 minutes long and will take place Tuesday at noon EST.

Dr. Lesky’s letter provides the following explanation of who will and won’t see the broadcast:

Due to building schedules, not all students will have the opportunity to view the event live. However, the District will provide students in grades 4 through 12 an opportunity to view the speech on Thursday, September 10, during morning homeroom. Please note teachers may include the live broadcast in their classrooms as a current event on Tuesday.

Parents are given the option to not have their child watch the speech by completing a form on the backside of the letter received from the school and returning it to the school by 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday.

A Presidential appearance would be an honor, regardless of your political beliefs, but the streaming of a speech to a ‘captive’ and impressionable audience clearly has rubbed people the wrong way.

What do you think? Should the speech be streamed into schools or not?

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