Friday, September 18, 2009


Both Channel 69 (read it here) and the Express-Times (read it here) have reports/articles on the number of flu cases reported at Nazareth.

The Express-Times notes that initially, the NASD reported 4 cases of H1N1, but now is not distinguishing between the two.

All reported cases to date have been at the HS, MS, and IS with none being reported from the elementary schools, but that is to say these are self-reported. Parents have called to inform the school that their child has the flu. As a result the number of actual cases is probably under-reported at this point.

The NASD web site is updating reported flu cases here.

Related to the flu, we were informed at Shafer Elementary during open house this past week that there will be no awards for Perfect Attendance this year. The concern is that with the flu, students may come in sick to be eligible for the award. Personally, I think this is true in any year. There is a big difference encouraging children to attend school if there is a truancy problem. In our case kids pretty much miss because they are sick or went on vacation. Probably time to stop this permanently and be more vigilant in sending sick kids home right away.

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