Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Nazareth School Board was called to order at 7:56pm by Mr. Butz. Board member(s) absent was John Marino.

Educational Program Considerations:
Mr. Roth gave his report, nothing much to report except we had over $43,000 carried over from Title 1 and he asked for board approval as shown in “V.A” which reads “Authorize the Administration to enter into a “Letter of Agreement” between the Nazareth Area School District and the Colonial Intermediate Unit 20, as previously presented to the Board, and which becomes part of this resolution through reference.”

Mr. Heller gave his committee report to the board and focused on standard based report cards, Staff receiving technological training, and the H1N1 flu.

Educational Program Resolutions:
The Board approved the resolution V.A which Mr. Roth requested with an 8-0 vote.

Personnel Board Considerations:
Later Dr. Riker gave his report which he requested the approvals of: VIII.A which is the updated substitution list, XI.A which is the cardio equipment in the amount of $31,900, and he requested the board approve XI.B which is to change the order in amount of $1,640.21 to Dual Temp Company to pay for the premium crane time to install the new HVAC equipment on the roof of the High School. This will be done on the weekend instead of weekday due to safety issues. Also Dr. Riker is working with Mr. Roth to prepare a report on Full Day Kindergarten.

Personnel Board Resolutions:
The substitution list was approved with an 8-0 vote.

Facilities and Operation’s:
The Board approved the following resolution (IX.a): “Authorize the Nazareth Area School District Solicitor to issue a formal request to the Upper Nazareth Township Police Department to enforce any and all traffic control signs properly erected on District property pursuant to 75 PA C S A section 6113(b).” Also Mr. Bradley requested that included in this letter that the police department will enforce the districts no skateboard policy on school grounds; this is due to the damage caused by the trespassers. This motion passed 8-0.

Support Services:
The Board approved the resolutions XI.A and XI.B as requested by Dr. Riker with an 8-0 vote.

Superintendent’s Report:

Dr. Lesky will have a formal report next week. He did mention that at next week’s board meeting Mr. Roth will report on PSSA results and Mr. Davis will report on the Accreditation for Growth (AFG) program which is done every 10 years. Also Dr. Lesky mentioned that Harrisburg reached an agreement for the budget, but not a lot of details are known. Finally he gave his report on H1N1; you can view it in my previous post “H1N1 –Report from Board Meeting-

The meeting was adjoined at 8:47pm

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