Thursday, April 07, 2011

Police Merger Discussions Continue


In conducting its due diligence regarding options for police coverage in the borough, Nazareth Council has reached out to Colonial Regional, Upper Nazareth, and Bushkill regarding any possibilities to merge according to the Express-Times.

Nazareth considered this option four or five years ago and elected to remain with its own force. Consequent cost increases coupled with a current staff of three active full-time officers, have Council again reviewing options.

The latest article by the Express-Times is primarily focused on current Chief Trachta’s desire to have all part-time officers retained along with the current three full-time officers (we typically have 6). He also wanted to maintain 24 hour two person coverage.

And that is where I think the heart of the matter lies. If we enter into an agreement for coverage, we want to maintain a regular presence in the borough, share the overhead costs, and have additional support if necessary. For me those are the key elements, more than where the office is physically located. I don’t want an officer ‘on duty covering the borough’ to actually be in East Allen Township or some other area. I want them remaining in the borough.

What do you think?

Posted via email from Ross Nunamaker

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