Thursday, October 01, 2009


nteresting article in the Morning Call today about Clothing Collection bins (read it here). Apparently there are several in Nazareth run by an outfit called U’SAgain. The company places red and white checkered bins and calls for clothing donations. The company is national, has apparently offered to pay $50 rent per month to the businesses who ‘host’ them, has mostly failed to pay the rent based on the article, and is a for-profit entity.

A Google search on U’SAgain shows more than a few complaints across several states.

The corporate web site:, touts the company’s environmental as well as social benefit.

What they do is collect and resell the clothing, about half goes over-seas. The environmental benefit is that the clothes don’t go in the garbage and the social benefit is they sell them for pennies on the dollar over-seas so people who otherwise couldn’t afford clothing can.

I’ve not dropped clothes at these particular bins and based on their business model, I think I’ll continue to use Salvation Army or Good Shepherd, where the benefit is local.

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