Sunday, February 20, 2022


I Would like to take a moment as my mom is getting better, getting back in her own bed now I Would like to say a big thank you to Melissa K and Austin James for having the meal train in December while my mom was in old orchard, it much so much to me and my dad and took a load off my dad when he was running back and fourth to be with my mom while she was in old orchard, as you all know my mom broke her femur when we were in a accident by the Nazareth Fire House on November 5th, the van was totaled. I Think my wheelchair saved me from breaking bones!! My wheelchair was damaged and still being repaired, currently waiting for Insurance so my buddy Eric Young can fix it up, hoping to have it by softball season because i need my battery charger that is installed on that charger because i am away from my house for hours and hours and might need to call home! I Would like to say thank you to every single person that brought meals to my house and deserts! I Will find a way soon to give back for all you did for me during a very difficult time, Accidents are very scary and sometimes i still remember the loud BOOM!!!! Thanks for all the cards that i got and thanks to OLD Orchard for taking care of my mom and to everybody for keeping me calm through all that!! I Also want to thank Jeff Young FROM SUBRUBAN EMS For giving us a van until my dad finds a new one!! What Jeff did was totally amazing and awesome!! Thanks so much Jeff! I Owe all of you bigtime!!!!!!!! LOVE YA ALL!!

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