Friday, July 22, 2011

Somebody Do Something: Tell us about trouble spots that need attention


A yard choked with weeds, cluttered with debris and crawling with critters.

A pothole large enough to swallow your vehicle’s tire, chew it up and spit out the leftovers.

A traffic signal that, instead of making travel safe, causes confusion for motorists, pedestrians or both.

If you’ve come across these or other unsightly, annoying or downright dangerous situations, you’ve probably done your share of raising your clenched fists skyward and pleading: Somebody do something!

We want to help.

We’d like to hear about trouble spots across the Lehigh Valley and northwest New Jersey that need to be fixed.

We plan to feature photographs and details, asking readers for solutions to how these problems should be fixed and who should be responsible for fixing them.

If you have nominees, please post a comment below.

Make sure to include the location and a description of the problem.

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