Wednesday, November 03, 2010



The votes are in and the pundits are now sounding off on what it all means.

In Pennsylvania, Republicans took the Governorship, held the Senate and took the State House. State Senators Lisa Boscola and Pat Browne won re-election by large margins. In the State House, Joe Emrick won the open seat formerly held by Rich Grucella, who retired.

Congressman Charlie Dent held his seat and former congressman Pat Toomey won a close race for US Senate.

On the federal level, Democrats held the Senate, but Republicans took the House winning over 60 seats, the most in 70+ years. In the House three incumbent committee chairmen were defeated as was longtime PA house member Paul Kanjorski. PA and Ohio both saw the Republicans take 5 seats from the Democrats.

And across the country, Republicans took 10 formerly Democratic Governorships compared to the two the Democrats took.

While the party of the President often struggles in the mid-term election, yesterday’s results were pretty significant. The shift in the House was nearly unprecedented and may set a record once all the races are decided. In PA, Republican control means the party will decide redistricting of seats next year. And looking forward to the 2012 Presidential election, the Republican advantage in Governors could play a big role.

At the end of the day, this election will only be significant if government at all levels is able to address the core issue of the economy with meaningful legislation, instead of simply spewing rhetoric to win the next election (or more likely in attempt to cast the other side as a greater evil).

Posted via email from Ross Nunamaker

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