Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Teen program at the Library


Like reading, talking, and eating? That’s what we do.

Lunches are at 12 noon on Tuesdays for teens ages 13-17. Books and lunch are provided!! You

need to register for the lunches - space is limited.

July 12 Homeless Bird by Gloria Whelan

When thirteen-year-old Koly enters into an ill-fated arranged marriage, she must either

suffer a destiny dictated by India's tradition or find the courage to oppose it.

July 19 Esperanza Rising by Pam Muoz Ryan

Esperanza and her mother are forced to leave their life of wealth and privilege in Mexico

to go work in the labor camps of Southern California, where they must adapt to the

harsh circumstances facing Mexican farm workers on the eve of the Great Depression.

July 26 Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen

In order to avoid going to prison, Cole agrees to participate in a sentencing alternative

based on the Native American Circle Justice. He is sent to a remote Alaskan Island

where an encounter with a huge Spirit Bear changes his life.

Aug 2 Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi

In powerful black-and-white comic strip images, Satrapi tells the story of her life in

Tehran from ages six to fourteen—years that saw the overthrow of the Shah's regime,

the triumph of the Islamic Revolution, and the devastating effects of war with Iraq.

Posted via email from Ross Nunamaker

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