Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Lehigh Valley Conference coaches shouldn't have snubbed Nazareth


Lehigh Valley Conference baseball coaches took a stand when they selected the All-Stars at each position for the 2011 season.

It was obvious, a least to me, that the coaches wanted to send a message to the Nazareth coaches, players and baseball community that they didn’t agree with the transfer of Easton star Justin Pacchioli to the Blue Eagles.

Usually, I like when someone takes a stand, but not this one.

Whether the Nazareth staff encouraged the transfer or at very least didn’t discourage the move, remains to be seen. There’s no doubt several players from the conference’s No. 1 seed deserved to the first team selections.

One athletic director told me the coaches are allowed to vote however they see fit. That’s exactly what they did.

I don’t like it for two reasons -- it punishes deserving players on the Nazareth team and takes away from the credibility of the whole process.

If the coaches wanted to send a message to Pacchioli, or his coaches, and leave him off the team, I could live with that. I don’t think it’s right if Pacchioli is the most deserving at his position. The confident Nazareth catcher could live with it, too.

The transfer was approved after formal meetings with District 11 and the PIAA. It’s long past the time for coaches and fans to move on.

But to penalize the other Nazareth players is wrong. Are these selection meetings held to honor players or send out messages? I believe they’re organized to honor players. At least, that should be the sole purpose.

Nazareth coach Jon Lock took the high road with Express-Times sportswriter Tom Hinkel by saying the team comes first and the other players selected are very deserving. He hopes his players use it for motivation in the rain-delayed LVC playoffs.

In my view, the LVC coaches brought the whole transfer issue back to the forefront. It was not the forum that should have been used. A closed door meeting where coaches could air their gripes constructively would have served a better purpose.

Years from now if someone asks Pacchioli, Karl Keglovits, Mike Garzillo, Kris Kent or Drew Hercik how in the world none of them made the LVC All-Star first team even though the Blue Eagles had the best record, all they’ll really be able to say is, “It’s a long, long story.”

One story that they never should have been made to tell.

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