Sunday, October 08, 2006


Monday I woked up at 10:00am and then called my grammy and then went and got my nurse Sherry because my chair was making noise. My wheel was loose. She got her husband to come fix it. Thanks Patrick! Yeah my wheel was about to come off. lol lol lol. I could of been seriously hurt and in a cast with a broken arm if I did not get help when I did. I could of been laying on the ground somewhere outside upside down on my head. That would pf not been funny. Then nomore Weave. People would be very upset to Loose me. A loose love nut. Not in my head either. lol lol lol A lovenut in my wheelchair When bad things happen to me they normally occur on Weekends and Holidays when nobody is working to fix the problems. I don't understand why I have bad luck on Weekends and Holidays. I am back in Johnstown! Came back on Sunday! I came back a day early so I could watch Special Olympics on Sunday Afternoon! It really made me feel good to come back to watch the Olympics! A Big Thanks to my Parents for bringing me back early!!!!!! I have wonderful Parents! No classes Yesterday Monday and Today Tuesday!! I slept in to 10:00am On Monday and will sleep to 10am again Today Tuesday!!!!!!! A very easy week for me! Only 2 classes for me on Wednesday and Thursday and only 1 class on Friday! I really have it good!! It felt weird to sleep in to 10am on Monday and even more weirder on Tuesday! It feels like I am back in High School having Teacher inservice Today Tuesday. I never knew we had such thing in College. It just an excuse for Teachers to have a extra day to rest!!!!!! It also feels like it been weeks since I last did a e-mail. It been awhile. Have you missed my e-mails for 4 days? 2 Days in a row with e-mails now! Today Tuesday and Wednesday! How is everybody? How was your Weekend? What did you do all weekend? Anything special? Did you enjoy your Monday off? I hope you are doing great! I had a great weekend Friday I left for home around 10:30am with my Grandpop and got home at 2:30pm then got of their car and went in my parents van to go eat at Long John Silvers and then came home and at 6:30pm walked down to the Football Fields to the Easton at Nazareth Football Game then came home at 9:30pm and went to bed. Saturday got up at 10am ate waffles for breakfast then listened to Jody Mac on the radio until 12:30pm then from 12:30pm to 3:00pm I listened to Glen Mac on Wip then got in my parents car to go eat at Arby's where I had a sandwhich and curly fries then came home and My Dad gave me a beautiful haircut then I watched the Baseball Playoffs on TV And then at 9:00pm on the Pennsylvania Cable Network I watched the Bishop Carroll at Johnstown High School Game then got in bed at 11:30pm then I could not sleep all night. I don't know. Probably nerves. Sunday I woke up at 7:12am and got my toenails clipped then we left Home at 8:22am then went to McDonalds where I had a egg sandwich and a Hash Brown then on the road we went then around 11:15am We stopped at Mcdonald again for A Hamburger and a Coke and then arrived at the Hiram G Andrews Center in Johnstown at 12:30pm then got things settled in and then at 1:00pm I walked down to the Gym and watched Special Olympics. I was there the whole time they were there from 1:05pm to 3:00pm then came back to my room and watch my Eagles beat those Dallas Cowboys 38-24 a very good and exciting game that was! TERELL OWENS Made Bad Plays. Everybody Booed. Then my attendent and I got Pizza and that was very good! Then I worked in the REC Hall all night and then went to bed at 11:00pm and in bed I watched the Steelers at Chargers Game on NBC! Easton beat Nazareth Friday. I was very upset. I was hoping to see people that I knew at that game and I did not see 1 person That I knew. Totally incrediable. It made me upset. Horseback Riding Tonight Tuesday! Johnstown Football on Friday night! I hope the REC HALL Don't give me problems this time around!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never heard whatever happened to that guy Ernie. I don't think he is allowed to go on any trips but I am not sure If that correct. Have A great Tuesday! Nazareth Number 1 Fan! PA HOUSE MAN! I hope I FIND OUT SOON About ASB Accounting! My grandparents want to know because they want to go to Flordia in November and they have to know if they have to be back on December 21st for Graduation or not. I will have a breaking news e-mail as soon as I hear. Hopefully Good news! I would hate to email 235 people with bad news. lol lol that would really be awful to tell 235 people bad news. I did not do any announcing when I was home. I was too wored out. Working with kids everyday can really wear you down!!!!!!! They are fun though! Songs: God Bless Amercia Bless the Broken Road You're Beautiful Bad Day It's my Life Who Says You Can't Go Home Come sail away Incomplete Listen to your heart breathe 2am save the last dance for me Movies of the week on Wednesday!!!!!!!!!! THE PA HOUSE RETURNS AT 1:00PM NEXT MONDAY OCTOBER 16TH!!!!!!!! Weave!!!!!! See you Tomorrow on Wednesday for Another exciting e-mail on the Andy Weaver Email Network infront of 235 people comming to you live From Johnstown Pennsylvania!!!!!!!!!!! Always remember one thing, Keep It Real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Over and out until Tomorrow Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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