Saturday, October 07, 2006


Hey Everybody!

How are you?

How is your weekend?

I am home in Nazareth All Weekend!

Went to the Easton at Nazareth Football Game last night!

That was a good game!

It was great seeing all my Nazareth Friends!

Will go back to Johnstown on Sunday!

No classes on Monday!

Will sleep in to 10:00am on Monday!

I hope you are having a Great Weekend!

Feel Free to im me at nazoeagle1

Also, Feel Free to email me at:

Go Penn State!

Go Eagles!!!!

I will be Watching!

What are you doing all weekend?

Check back on Sunday Night for another e-mail!

Have a Great Weekend!Ladies Man!

PA House Man!

Nazareth Number 1 Fan!


See you on Sunday night Everybody!

Take Care!!!!!!!

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