Friday, October 05, 2018


Last Thursday, The Good Place returned for its third season. Once again, it completely flipped its premise. SPOILERS for The Good Place Season 3 ahead, so if you haven't gotten there, you might want to stop reading, but...basically, The Good Place Season 3, at least so far, seems to be about the four main characters being given a second chance on Earth. This is completely different than the second season premise (the core four finding out they're in The Bad Place and trying to get into The Good Place) and of course, the original premise, about a woman who thinks she's in The Good Place by mistake. It's hard to think of a show that's changed its premise as drastically in three seasons as The Good Place - and even harder to think of one that's done it so well. The show is still as fresh and excellent as ever, making its innovations and changes even more impressive, and even more exciting to watch.

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