Friday, May 03, 2013


On the next...American Dad!: 
By: Skees 

Fox's Sunday night animated comedy that centers on the Smith family airs Sundays at 9:30pm and we have just watched the 150th episode that airs Sunday (May 5). In the episode, "Lost In Space?," we pick up with Jeff on the alien spaceship, where he is a slave, alongside a myriad of other creatures that have been abducted across the galaxy by the evil Emperor Zing (voiced by a fantastic Michael McKean). Although Jeff is a relatively minor character in our show’s universe - when compared to the main cast – he is very deeply beloved by our fans. I wanted to do this episode so we could get a more fully realized glimpse into Jeff as a character. And Jeff being held prisoner on a hostile alien ship gave us a great crucible to test his mettle. Director Chris Bennett takes us on a fastidiously detailed and mind-blowing visual odyssey. Louisville rock band, Wax Fang, helps create the emotional tone of the piece by providing an outstanding, nearly wall-to-wall score. 

In this special 150th episode, we begin the episode with a "previously on..." clip, but this won't make sense to viewers unless they've been watching throughout the season. To (briefly) explain the back-story, the story begins with the February episode "Naked to the Limit, One More Time." In this episode, Roger had Jeff abducted by aliens and sent to his home planet after Jeff decides to let others know about the family alien. Since that time, Jeff has been gone into outer space and we haven't seen much of him. That is, until now, where we get an entire Jeff episode. Not only do we get to learn where he is, but what has happened to him since his abduction and how (or if) he'll make it back home safely. Now a slave on his new planet (a place full of Rogers), his only hope to get out of it and make it back home is to prove his true love for Hayley. The question is, can he do it before it is too late?

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