Monday, June 25, 2012

Catching up with ex-Notre Dame football player and new father, Ned Bolcar FROM KEITH GROLLER Attended the BEST scholarship reception on Sunday night at the Sands and while it was a long night, it was a very rewarding night to hear all of the stories of these kids who have gone through major hardships and with the help of BEST, and, in particular, co-founder Billy Staples, have graduated from college and are on their way to successful lives as an adult. You had to hear these stories to believe them, but the more I learn about BEST, the more impressed I am and know why people like Jim Rice, Jim Eisenreich, Steve Braun, Tommy Greene, Tito Landrum, Dickie Noles, Ozzie Virgil, Jr. and so many others come in for this event every year. One of the few football people involved is former Phillipsburg and Notre Dame standout Ned Bolcar. BEST has a strong conection to Phillipsburg. In fact 19 P'burg kids are part of the program. Principal Greg Troxell and superintendent George Chando were honored as well as teacher of the year, Joe Pizzino -- all Stateliners. Bolcar, like the rest of the sports celebrities, was very impressed with the entire program. Ned also recently became a father.4FAME BOLCAR 051200 Here's our interview after the festivities at the Sands: Groller: You recently became a father? Bolcar: Yes, on June 4. His name is Cash Edward. I got married last September and I am now a father at 45 years of age. He's a healthy, young boy. His middle name is Edward after my father. Groller: What do you think about this BEST (Building Education Support Teams) scholarship program? Bolcar: Every year Billy asks me and I wonder "Do I really have to do this?" And when I get here, it's wonderful to meet celebrities like Jim Rice and Jim Eisenreich. But when you get to the reception and hear the stories of these kids -- and they speak so well -- it's so powerful. It leaves me with tears in my eyes. I leave here so motivated that I can't wait to come back. I've been between jobs recently and I wrote a smaller check this year than I usually do. But after I heard their stories, I told Billy that I am going to tear up the check I was going to give him and write a bigger one. I love to hear about how P'burg is involved in this thing. They try to work hand-in-hand with BEST. It's exciting to see any organization helping young people whether it's in Allentown, Bethlehem, Phillipsburg, wherever they happen to be. Groller: What will you remember the most from tonight? Bolcar:The first BEST scholarship winner (Freedom and DeSales grad Ben Artreche) spoke so well and was so motivating that he got a standing ovation -- the first of the night -- from the celebrity athletes, and these are guys who have heard a lot of speeches in their lives from coaches. They've heard so many of them over the years and yet this kid was able to make them jump off their seats to give him a standing ovation. Groller: What do you think about where the Notre Dame football program is at right now? Bolcar: I'll always love Notre Dame and the athletic program, in general, is doing very well right now. Football? Well, that's a tougher question. Brian Kelly is doing a great job. He's recruiting players whoare not necessarily thinking about the NFL, but want to play football for Notre Dame. He wants to get players who are passionate about Notre Dame and the kind who want to be part of the university for the next 40 years of their lives. Kelly is getting some great players and getting players passionate about the school. Can they compete day in, day out as a top-five program? I am not sure. But maybe they can get there at least every couple of years. Groller:In this ever-changing college climate, will Notre Dame eventually land in a conference? Bolcar:I love the fact that they are still an independent because it's a national school. If you walk down one floor of a dormitory at Notre Dame, there are probably 30 to 40 states represented on just that one floor of the dorm. And they play nationally and that's nice for all of the alumni around the country. They're going to try to stay independent as long as they can, but eventually they might have to go in a conference if the situation dictates that that's what's best. Groller: Finally, a playoff is coming. Like it? Bolcar: I'm glad they're incorporating the bowls. Don't do away with the bowls. Take the top four teams, like they are. I think it will help Notre Dame. If they can get ranked in the top-four in the country, they'll get into the playoff and if they're not ranked in the top-four, they shouldn't be in there anyway. Groller: Still involved in the game? Bolcar: In the last few years, I've spent a lot of Friday and Saturday nights on the sidelines at Phillipsburg, talking to kids, trying to encourage them. I don't do the Xs and Os because I am not there all of the time. I try to be as supportive as I can. I get a lot from it and hopefully the student-athletes get a lot from me. I want to be enthusiastic and show them my passion. Some days, I wish I had gotten into coaching when I was younger because I am very passionate about it. Maybe one day ...

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