Monday, May 21, 2012

Lehigh University students move to 'new chapter' with graduation FROM THE EXPRESS TIMES Last Name First Name M.I. Degr Degree Majr1 stvmajr desc Majr Code 1 2 Stvmajr Desc1 2 Adam Suzanne M BSCY B S In Chemistry (AS) CHM Chemistry (AS) Ahlum James F MS Master of Science CSC Computer Science (EN) Alapati Ratna S MS Master of Science STRU Structural Engineering Alexandrescu Ana I MS Master of Science ISE Industrial and Systems Engr Ali Shadab MBA Master of Business Admin FIN Finance Alleyne Richard P MED Master of Education SPED Special Education Almalowi Saeed J MS Master of Science ME Mechanical Engineering Alnajjab Basel R BSEE B S In Electrical Engineering EE Electrical Engineering Alves Paul A BA Bachelor of Arts POLS Political Science Ambrose Jeffrey A MED Master of Education EDL Educational Leadership Ammar Mohamed Mahmoud A MS Master of Science MAT Materials Sci. & Engineering Anagnostakos John P BSBE B S in Bioengineering BENG Bioengineering Anselmo Annamaria BA Bachelor of Arts ENGL English JOUR Journalism Anselmo Annamaria BA Bachelor of Arts ENGL English JOUR Journalism Arnold Sean D BSBU B S In Business & Economics FIN Finance Ashraf Muhammed N MS Master of Science ME Mechanical Engineering Bacigalupo Lauren N MS Master of Science MAT Materials Sci. & Engineering Baer Allyson K BA Bachelor of Arts HIST History SPAN Spanish Bailey Steven MBA Master of Business Admin FIN Finance Barnes Steven MBA Master of Business Admin MKT Marketing Barnes-Pohjonen Robin K MS Master of Science EENG Environmental Engineering Barnhart Luke A MA Master of Arts ENGL English Batchelor Nicole E PHD Doctor of Philosophy ENGL English Batsuren Batlkhagva MENG Master of Engineering ESE Energy Systems Engineering Baxter Rachel T MS Master of Science EES Earth & Environmental Science Bearavolu Druthi MBA Master of Business Admin FIN Finance Bebout Ann E MED Master of Education SCED Secondary Education Belon Jacqueline J BSMS B S In Mtrls. Sci. & Engr. MAT Materials Sci. & Engineering Bendjilali Khadidja PHD Doctor of Philosophy CREG Computer Engineering Benisz Kathryn M MA Master of Arts SOCI Sociology Bergstrom Michael P BSBU B S In Business & Economics FIN Finance Berkley Zachary M MA Master of Arts SCED Secondary Education Besack Gregory BSPE B S In Computer Engineering CREG Computer Engineering Bhowmick Payal MED Master of Education EDL Educational Leadership Biancamano Michael A BSBU B S In Business & Economics ACCT Accounting Bick Pierre C BSCE B S In Civil Engineering CE Civil Engineering Bigley Joseph J MED Master of Education EDL Educational Leadership Bisbing Aaron MBA Master of Business Admin FIN Finance Black Philip J MBA Master of Business Admin IB International Business Bourreza Alex S BSME B S In Mechanical Engineering ME Mechanical Engineering Bowers Brian V MS Master of Science QENG Quality Engineering Branning Shawn R MBA Master of Business Admin MKT Marketing Brichta Margaret M MBA Master of Business Admin FIN Finance Brodt Amber L MED Master of Education SPED Special Education Brokate David H MBA Master of Business Admin BSAD Business Administration Buck Christopher C MBA Master of Business Admin BSAD Business Administration Budge Eric S MED Master of Education SPED Special Education Bunting Maureen H MED Master of Education TLRN Teaching and Learning Burns Raquel M MED Master of Education SPED Special Education Buskirk Brynn R MA Master of Arts AMST American Studies Caggia Benjamin L BA Bachelor of Arts BNS Behavioral Neuroscience Castillo Kelvin BSBU B S In Business & Economics ACCT Accounting Cauller Timothy W EDD Doctor of Education CI Curriculum and Instruction Charisoulis Thomas MS Master of Science EE Electrical Engineering Charles Joshua M MS Master of Science ME Mechanical Engineering Chase-Mayoral Audree M MED Master of Education GEC Globalization and Educ Change Chen Can MSAF MS Analytical Finance AFIN Analytical Finance Chen Yajing MENG Master of Engineering ISE Industrial and Systems Engr Chen Yi MS Master of Science ME Mechanical Engineering Cheng Vincent BA Bachelor of Arts BNS Behavioral Neuroscience Choi Nack Bong PHD Doctor of Philosophy EE Electrical Engineering Christ Nicholas R BSIS B S In Info & System Engr ISEN Info & Systems Engineering Christensen Elizabeth S BA Bachelor of Arts DES Design Arts Cilli Vallia L MA Master of Arts SCED Secondary Education Colville Megan E BSIAE B S in Integrated Arts/Engr IDEA IDEAS Colville Megan E BSIE B S In Industrial Engineering IE Industrial Engineering Cooper Aubrecia D MBA Master of Business Admin BSAD Business Administration Corali Nicole M MBA Master of Business Admin FIN Finance Covarrubias Sofia BA Bachelor of Arts ANTH Anthropology SOC Sociology / Social Psychology Curry Amanda L MED Master of Education HDVP Human Development Curtis Daniel B PHD Doctor of Philosophy SPSY School Psychology Dadarria Nikki M MA Master of Arts SOCI Sociology Dagbo Hubert S BSBU B S In Business & Economics FIN Finance Danchise-Curtis Korin MED Master of Education CHS Counseling & Human Services Davis Allison M MED Master of Education EDL Educational Leadership Dawson William M MED Master of Education SCED Secondary Education DeCrosta Michael A BA Bachelor of Arts ECO Economics Delabar Kyle A MBA Master of Business Admin PMGM Project Management Deppert Joann A MED Master of Education HDVP Human Development Desai Samarth C MENG Master of Engineering ME Mechanical Engineering Devulder Christopher BSPH B S In Physics PHY Physics (AS) Devulder Christopher BSPH B S In Physics PHY Physics (AS) Dexter Neil W MS Master of Science MATH Mathematics Dey Clifford A MS Master of Science ME Mechanical Engineering Ding Kai MS Master of Science EENG Environmental Engineering Does LeighAnne N MA Master of Arts SCED Secondary Education Dollins-Colton Sonya D MED Master of Education ELED Elementary Education Dong Lu MENG Master of Engineering MGSE Management Science & Engr Donnelly Caitlin A BA Bachelor of Arts GLST Global Studies Douglass Kurt E PHD Doctor of Philosophy ENGL English Doumith Aziz S BSCB B S in Comp Sci & Business CSB Computer Science & Business Doyle Cyrus MBA Master of Business Admin BSAD Business Administration Dubischar Almut D MED Master of Education CHS Counseling & Human Services Dunne Jacquelyn M BSIE B S In Industrial Engineering IE Industrial Engineering Duzgun Ruken PHD Doctor of Philosophy IE Industrial Engineering Eashwaran Janardhanan Preeti MENG Master of Engineering IE Industrial Engineering Eck Marlana L MED Master of Education GEC Globalization and Educ Change Eckhardt Amanda G PHD Doctor of Philosophy COPY Counseling Psychology Ellis John A BSEE B S In Electrical Engineering EE Electrical Engineering Ellis John A BSME B S In Mechanical Engineering ME Mechanical Engineering Ellis Michelle E MBA Master of Business Admin BSAD Business Administration Erbrick Jill E BSMS B S In Mtrls. Sci. & Engr. MAT Materials Sci. & Engineering Erwin Elizabeth L MA Master of Arts AMST American Studies Falotico Kristen E BSEV B S in Environmental Engr EENG Environmental Engineering Fasitta Christina C BA Bachelor of Arts POLS Political Science Feist Jeffrey MBA Master of Business Admin BSAD Business Administration Feng Cong MS Master of Science ECO Economics Fenstermaker Janelle N MED Master of Education SPED Special Education Ferolito David R MS Master of Science CSC Computer Science (EN) Fisher David J MA Master of Arts SOCI Sociology Fitz Matthew T BSCH B S In Chemical Engineering CHE Chemical Engineering Flizack Benjamin J BSES B S In Earth & Envirnmntl Sci EES Earth & Environmental Science Fodor Caitlin R BSBE B S in Bioengineering BENG Bioengineering Foiles Daniel MENG Master of Engineering STRU Structural Engineering Foley Luke E BSBU B S In Business & Economics FIN Finance Frable Kayla M MSAI Master Acct & Info Anal ACCT Accounting Frederick Kevin L MBAE Master of Business & Engring ME Mechanical Engineering Frey Andrew O BA Bachelor of Arts IR International Relations Fu Jie MS Master of Science CHM Chemistry (AS) Fuchs Matthew A BSME B S In Mechanical Engineering ME Mechanical Engineering Galante Paul A PHD Doctor of Philosophy ENGL English Gant Jena M MED Master of Education SPED Special Education Ge Yile MENG Master of Engineering ISE Industrial and Systems Engr Geosits Nicholas D BSBU B S In Business & Economics ECO Economics Gera Shradha MED Master of Education HDVP Human Development Gerdes Robert W MENG Master of Engineering ESE Energy Systems Engineering Getty Phillip D MS Master of Science PSYC Psychology Ginnetti Anthony T MS Master of Science CHM Chemistry (AS) Glaser Daniel J BA Bachelor of Arts IDPT Interdisciplinary Glessner Jacquelyn E MED Master of Education CHS Counseling & Human Services Godfried Sie Christina P PHD Doctor of Philosophy MBIO Molecular Biology Goel Nipun MS Master of Science ME Mechanical Engineering Gomez Contreras Verenice I BSBU B S In Business & Economics ACCT Accounting Goren Jessica P MS Master of Science PSYC Psychology Gormley Matthew J MED Master of Education HDVP Human Development Gracely Nichole E MA Master of Arts AMST American Studies Gratch Emily D BA Bachelor of Arts SOC Sociology / Social Psychology Greenwood Kirk A BA Bachelor of Arts ENGL English Grimm Therese M MED Master of Education SPED Special Education Groff Matthew A BSES B S In Earth & Envirnmntl Sci EES Earth & Environmental Science Gulati Gaurav MENG Master of Engineering MGSE Management Science & Engr Gumbulevich Emily K BA Bachelor of Arts IR International Relations POLS Political Science Guo Qingjiang MS Master of Science ME Mechanical Engineering Guo Xiaohui MS Master of Science ECO Economics Haklits Jarrett A MSAI Master Acct & Info Anal ACCT Accounting Han Jie MSAF MS Analytical Finance AFIN Analytical Finance Han Kelly D BSBU B S In Business & Economics FIN Finance Han Wenhao MENG Master of Engineering ISE Industrial and Systems Engr Hanisek William MED Master of Education SPED Special Education Harnett Mary T MA Master of Arts AMST American Studies Harris Kevin W MED Master of Education EDL Educational Leadership Harrison Jon M BSBI B S In Biology BIOL Biology Hatalis Konstantinos M BSCB B S in Comp Sci & Business CSB Computer Science & Business Hatalis Maria BSBU B S In Business & Economics ECFN Economics FNFE Finance He Yizhi MSAF MS Analytical Finance AFIN Analytical Finance Headman Rachel E MED Master of Education SPED Special Education Hendricks Brittany A BA Bachelor of Arts IR International Relations POLS Political Science Hernandez Alexander MS Master of Science ME Mechanical Engineering Herzog Alicia L MED Master of Education GEC Globalization and Educ Change Hicks Amanda S MED Master of Education ELCO Elementary School Counseling Hill Elizabeth A MS Master of Science MBIO Molecular Biology Hitt Autumn D MED Master of Education CHS Counseling & Human Services Hodges Jilda A PHD Doctor of Philosophy SPSY School Psychology Hogan William P MENG Master of Engineering ESE Energy Systems Engineering Hohl Carlos J BA Bachelor of Arts ARCH Architecture Horn Dashielle E MA Master of Arts ENGL English Howland Matthew J BSCE B S In Civil Engineering CE Civil Engineering Hsu Pin-Chin MS Master of Science EES Earth & Environmental Science Huang Shaohui MS Master of Science EE Electrical Engineering Hull Rachel M MED Master of Education ELED Elementary Education Hunsberger Andrea F MED Master of Education SPED Special Education Hunt Stephanie J MS Master of Science EES Earth & Environmental Science Hunter Alex D MS Master of Science CHM Chemistry (AS) Inthavisas Keerati PHD Doctor of Philosophy CREG Computer Engineering Ireland Alex W PHD Doctor of Philosophy EES Earth & Environmental Science Jacobus Laura K MBA Master of Business Admin PMGM Project Management Jefferson James E BSIE B S In Industrial Engineering IE Industrial Engineering Jimenez Yarcelly BSBU B S In Business & Economics MKT Marketing Jones Terri M MED Master of Education EDL Educational Leadership Jun Charles V MA Master of Arts SCED Secondary Education Kamarudin Muhammad Ariff BA Bachelor of Arts MATH Mathematics Kamarudin Muhammad Ariff BSBU B S In Business & Economics BECO Business Economics Kang Yunlong MSAF MS Analytical Finance AFIN Analytical Finance Karoleski Esther C MS Master of Science ITEC Instructional Technology Kast Justin MENG Master of Engineering ESE Energy Systems Engineering Kavanagh Sarah C BA Bachelor of Arts ARCH Architecture Keim Matthew L BSME B S In Mechanical Engineering ME Mechanical Engineering Kent Cory A BA Bachelor of Arts HIST History Kerch Cailin J MED Master of Education EDL Educational Leadership Kern Vanessa R BSCH B S In Chemical Engineering CHE Chemical Engineering Khan Sarim J BSIS B S In Info & System Engr ISEN Info & Systems Engineering Kim Kangbaek PHD Doctor of Philosophy EE Electrical Engineering Kiss Tara M MS Master of Science CHM Chemistry (AS) Kivanc Emre BA Bachelor of Arts PSYC Psychology Klein Jessica L MED Master of Education SPED Special Education Kokoszka Berenika A MS Master of Science CHM Chemistry (AS) Korp Patrick T BSME B S In Mechanical Engineering ME Mechanical Engineering Kortze Joshua A MA Master of Arts POLS Political Science Kosalko Michael J MS Master of Science CHM Chemistry (AS) Kosasang Onthida MENG Master of Engineering MAT Materials Sci. & Engineering Kosgei Evans K BSIBE B S In Integrated Bus/Engr CSE Computer Science & Engineering Koshe Amol S MENG Master of Engineering IE Industrial Engineering Kosik Matthew D BSIBE B S In Integrated Bus/Engr IE Industrial Engineering Kowalski Melissa R PHD Doctor of Philosophy ENGL English Krupka Adam M MS Master of Science MBIO Molecular Biology Kunkle Jody L MED Master of Education EDL Educational Leadership Kurtz Rita J PHD Doctor of Philosophy ENGL English Kusiak Benjamin M BSME B S In Mechanical Engineering ME Mechanical Engineering Kuster Kyle MBA Master of Business Admin FIN Finance Labowsky Nicholas M BSBU B S In Business & Economics MKT Marketing Lacko Matthew R BSBU B S In Business & Economics MKT Marketing FIN Finance Lal Tara N BA Bachelor of Arts BIOL Biology Lambert Evan C BSBI B S In Biology BIOL Biology Lan Yi-Hsuan MBA Master of Business Admin FIN Finance Landis-Bodnar Rebecca A MED Master of Education EDL Educational Leadership Laporta Philip R PHD Doctor of Philosophy PHY Physics (AS) Lasko Lisa M MED Master of Education CHS Counseling & Human Services Laskowski Mark P MBA Master of Business Admin PMGM Project Management Leeds Erin M BSME B S In Mechanical Engineering ME Mechanical Engineering Leshinsky Neil A BSBU B S In Business & Economics ACCT Accounting FIN Finance Leskosky Rachel V BSBS B S In Behavioral Neuroscience BNS Behavioral Neuroscience Li Jingbo MS Master of Science MGSE Management Science & Engr Li Kanlun MS Master of Science EE Electrical Engineering Li Qi MS Master of Science ME Mechanical Engineering Li Shengjun MSAF MS Analytical Finance AFIN Analytical Finance Li Xiang MS Master of Science CE Civil Engineering Li Xiang MS Master of Science STAT Statistics Li Yifan MSAF MS Analytical Finance AFIN Analytical Finance Li Yuning MS Master of Science ISEN Info & Systems Engineering Liang Zhongliang MS Master of Science CSC Computer Science (EN) Lillydahl Erik P MENG Master of Engineering ME Mechanical Engineering Liu Rui MSAF MS Analytical Finance AFIN Analytical Finance Loisel Julie PHD Doctor of Philosophy EES Earth & Environmental Science Lokting Britta A BA Bachelor of Arts POLS Political Science ENGL English Long Tricia M MA Master of Arts AMST American Studies Longenbach Gretchen A MBA Master of Business Admin FIN Finance Lu Edgar BSBU B S In Business & Economics MKT Marketing Lu Hanjiang MS Master of Science EENG Environmental Engineering Luo Xuan MSAF MS Analytical Finance AFIN Analytical Finance Luthar Carol A BSES B S In Earth & Envirnmntl Sci EES Earth & Environmental Science Lychak Ryan D BA Bachelor of Arts BIOL Biology Lyle Kimberly C MENG Master of Engineering CHE Chemical Engineering Lynn Martin J MED Master of Education EDL Educational Leadership Ma Jiajie MS Master of Science EENG Environmental Engineering Mahone Abby S MED Master of Education GEC Globalization and Educ Change Mai Che-Lun MS Master of Science ME Mechanical Engineering Mainzer Thomas R MBA Master of Business Admin MKT Marketing Makdesi Jeanna L MED Master of Education SPED Special Education Manasurangkul Vasin MBA Master of Business Admin SCM Supply Chain Management Mangano Peter C BA Bachelor of Arts PHIL Philosophy Mansour William P BA Bachelor of Arts POLS Political Science Marcincin Douglas P BSBU B S In Business & Economics ACCT Accounting Marsh Tara A MED Master of Education SPED Special Education Mason Gina E BA Bachelor of Arts ENGL English McBride Melanie R MED Master of Education SPED Special Education McCann Zachary R BSBU B S In Business & Economics FIN Finance McCusker Jennifer L BA Bachelor of Arts GLST Global Studies JOUR Journalism McDonald Jazmyn A BA Bachelor of Arts SOC Sociology / Social Psychology McDonald Patrick T MBA Master of Business Admin PMGM Project Management McFadden Kevin MBA Master of Business Admin BSAD Business Administration McKay Robert A BSBU B S In Business & Economics ACCT Accounting McKeon Ryan E PHD Doctor of Philosophy EES Earth & Environmental Science Medina Carlos I MS Master of Science CE Civil Engineering Meng Fanyi MSAF MS Analytical Finance AFIN Analytical Finance Meng Zhe MSAF MS Analytical Finance AFIN Analytical Finance Merida Jamie MED Master of Education SPED Special Education Mihalik Kevin C BSBU B S In Business & Economics MKT Marketing Miller Elizabeth A BSMB B S In Molecular Biology MBIO Molecular Biology Missimer Kyle P BA Bachelor of Arts DES Design Arts Mitton Karen S MED Master of Education SPED Special Education Modi Samip MBA Master of Business Admin FIN Finance Molapo Tsita D MENG Master of Engineering ESE Energy Systems Engineering Molinari Julie E PHD Doctor of Philosophy CHE Chemical Engineering Molnar Marie E PHD Doctor of Philosophy ENGL English Mongi Lorie BA Bachelor of Arts DES Design Arts Mooradd Timothy M BSBU B S In Business & Economics FIN Finance Morra Harry S MED Master of Education GEC Globalization and Educ Change Mudalel Matthew L BSBC B S In Biochemistry (AS) BCHE Biochemistry (CAS) Murphy Timothy J MED Master of Education SPED Special Education Muser Kirsten J MED Master of Education HDVP Human Development Mutch James C BA Bachelor of Arts IR International Relations IDPT Interdisciplinary Nalli Sandro MBA Master of Business Admin FIN Finance Nayar Rekha BSBU B S In Business & Economics FIN Finance Nguyen Roland M BSMH B S In Mathematics MATH Mathematics Nichols Eugene G MBA Master of Business Admin BSAD Business Administration Niedbala Jacqueline BA Bachelor of Arts GLST Global Studies POLS Political Science Nostrand Chantal Frances E MED Master of Education ELED Elementary Education Nugent Nicole E MA Master of Arts POLS Political Science Nuhfer Matthew W MBA Master of Business Admin PMGM Project Management O'Connell Alison MA Master of Arts HIST History O'Malley Laura R MED Master of Education SPED Special Education Ochieng Christopher N BSME B S In Mechanical Engineering ME Mechanical Engineering Ochs Matthew J MBA Master of Business Admin BSAD Business Administration Odenwelder Daniel C BSBE B S in Bioengineering BENG Bioengineering Ojkic Nikola R PHD Doctor of Philosophy PHY Physics (AS) Ostapenko Mark A MA Master of Arts POLS Political Science Ozkaynak Mert U MENG Master of Engineering ME Mechanical Engineering Paglia Curato Tara A MED Master of Education SPED Special Education Pai Anil B MS Master of Science ITEC Instructional Technology Pamukcu Deniz BSCH B S In Chemical Engineering CHE Chemical Engineering Pamukcu Deniz BSIBE B S In Integrated Bus/Engr CHE Chemical Engineering Pan Haoyan MS Master of Science STRU Structural Engineering Parry Tom J MBA Master of Business Admin CORE Corporate Entrepreneurship Parvez Lyla BA Bachelor of Arts PSYC Psychology Patterson Jullie M MA Master of Arts POLS Political Science Paul Robyn J MED Master of Education ELED Elementary Education Peckarsky David K MBA Master of Business Admin SCM Supply Chain Management Pena Manuel V BSME B S In Mechanical Engineering ME Mechanical Engineering Pereira Christina MBA Master of Business Admin FIN Finance Perreira Jeffrey D MENG Master of Engineering ESE Energy Systems Engineering Piede Tyler D BSBU B S In Business & Economics ACCT Accounting Pike Andrew J BSCH B S In Chemical Engineering CHE Chemical Engineering Place Karen L MED Master of Education SPED Special Education Poochiyur Rangaswamy Amudhaguru MENG Master of Engineering EENG Environmental Engineering Poochiyur Rangaswamy Arunpriya MBA Master of Business Admin FIN Finance Post Kelly MED Master of Education ELCO Elementary School Counseling Prozonic Timothy M MS Master of Science PSE Polymer Science & Engineering Pyne Melodia K MED Master of Education SPED Special Education Pysher Jennifer M BSSC B S In Computer Science (EN) CSC Computer Science (EN) Qadah Zaki G BSBU B S In Business & Economics FIN Finance Quach Sean BSBU B S In Business & Economics ACCT Accounting Rankis Allison M MED Master of Education SPED Special Education Rice Courtney J BA Bachelor of Arts ENGL English ECO Economics Riley Daniel D MS Master of Science MBIO Molecular Biology Rodriguez Francigna MED Master of Education ELED Elementary Education Rossi Francesca S BSIE B S In Industrial Engineering IE Industrial Engineering Rothman Richard E MENG Master of Engineering ESE Energy Systems Engineering Roxbury Daniel E PHD Doctor of Philosophy CHE Chemical Engineering Rubino Marc A BSME B S In Mechanical Engineering ME Mechanical Engineering Ruth Donovan P MS Master of Science PHY Physics (AS) Ruthrauff Daniel C BSRS B S In Computer Science (AS) CRSC Computer Science (AS) Sachdev Anuradha MED Master of Education GEC Globalization and Educ Change Saiyasombat Chatree MENG Master of Engineering MAT Materials Sci. & Engineering Saliby Jessica A MED Master of Education SCED Secondary Education Salwach Heather K BA Bachelor of Arts DES Design Arts Samuels Kadeem O BSME B S In Mechanical Engineering ME Mechanical Engineering Santo Jeffrey J MED Master of Education SPED Special Education Scansaroli Daniel J PHD Doctor of Philosophy IE Industrial Engineering Scheirer Andrew R BSCH B S In Chemical Engineering CHE Chemical Engineering Scheirer Andrew R BSBE B S in Bioengineering BENG Bioengineering Schmidt Kristian MED Master of Education GEC Globalization and Educ Change Scoza Stephen J BSCB B S in Comp Sci & Business CSB Computer Science & Business Sell Rachael M MA Master of Arts POLS Political Science Seng Nicole E MED Master of Education SECO Secondary School Counseling Sham Samantha MBA Master of Business Admin FIN Finance Sheatsley Grant MBA Master of Business Admin MKT Marketing Shi Feng MS Master of Science STRU Structural Engineering Shoemaker Kevin R BSBU B S In Business & Economics MKT Marketing Shores Nathan M BA Bachelor of Arts ECO Economics Shupp Nina M BA Bachelor of Arts SOC Sociology / Social Psychology Sicinski Lauren K MED Master of Education TLRN Teaching and Learning Sierzega Candice S MED Master of Education ELCO Elementary School Counseling Simotwo Silas K BSCH B S In Chemical Engineering CHE Chemical Engineering Singh Arjun MENG Master of Engineering ME Mechanical Engineering Sipes Emily C MA Master of Arts EPDE Environmental Policy Design Skoutelas Lauren A MED Master of Education SPED Special Education Skutches Connor BA Bachelor of Arts EVST Environmental Studies POLS Political Science Skutches Luke S BA Bachelor of Arts ENGL English SPAN Spanish Song Hanci MSAI Master Acct & Info Anal ACCT Accounting Song Hao MS Master of Science CSC Computer Science (EN) Soonasra Zahra M BSBU B S In Business & Economics SCM Supply Chain Management FIN Finance Soplop Mary M BA Bachelor of Arts ASIA Asian Studies DES Design Arts Stachina Kristen A MED Master of Education SECO Secondary School Counseling Startari Jason MBA Master of Business Admin FIN Finance Steacy Nicole L BA Bachelor of Arts DES Design Arts Stocker Kelsey BSBS B S In Behavioral Neuroscience BNS Behavioral Neuroscience Storer Andrea M BSES B S In Earth & Envirnmntl Sci EES Earth & Environmental Science Stuby Richard MBA Master of Business Admin CORE Corporate Entrepreneurship Suess Todd L BSCB B S in Comp Sci & Business CSB Computer Science & Business Suh Annie BA Bachelor of Arts BIOL Biology Suk Lydia J BA Bachelor of Arts BIOL Biology Sun Cheng BSBI B S In Biology BIOL Biology Sun Tao MS Master of Science CREG Computer Engineering Surti Jasmine E MBA Master of Business Admin PMGM Project Management Susmaz Bora MBA Master of Business Admin BSAD Business Administration Sutton Paige E BSMS B S In Mtrls. Sci. & Engr. MAT Materials Sci. & Engineering Swavely Jason G MED Master of Education EDL Educational Leadership Szmodis Whitney E MED Master of Education ELED Elementary Education Taglang Elizabeth R BA Bachelor of Arts MUS Music Tan Jifu MS Master of Science ME Mechanical Engineering Tang Haosu MS Master of Science PHY Physics (AS) Teletzke Allison L MS Master of Science EES Earth & Environmental Science Terry Scott M MED Master of Education GEC Globalization and Educ Change Theiner Eric R MS Master of Science CHM Chemistry (AS) Thode Megan E MED Master of Education HDVP Human Development Thode William E BSBU B S In Business & Economics MKT Marketing FIN Finance Thomas Antony MS Master of Science BENG Bioengineering Thome Andrew J MS Master of Science MAT Materials Sci. & Engineering Thomson Nicole L MED Master of Education ELCO Elementary School Counseling Thornburg Adrienne J MS Master of Science CHM Chemistry (AS) Tian Rui MS Master of Science ECO Economics Tian Yu MS Master of Science EENG Environmental Engineering Tinar Egemen PHD Doctor of Philosophy ME Mechanical Engineering Tormey Dorothy A PHD Doctor of Philosophy COPY Counseling Psychology TSAI CHEN-WEI MENG Master of Engineering ME Mechanical Engineering Tu Yan MSAF MS Analytical Finance AFIN Analytical Finance Tummidi Ravi S PHD Doctor of Philosophy EE Electrical Engineering Turcotte Gregory J BSME B S In Mechanical Engineering ME Mechanical Engineering Tyska Andrew P BSCB B S in Comp Sci & Business CSB Computer Science & Business Urban Stephen M PHD Doctor of Philosophy CSC Computer Science (EN) Vargas Katherine S BSBU B S In Business & Economics MKT Marketing Vari Daniel BSBI B S In Biology BIOL Biology Vasko Lisa E MS Master of Science STAT Statistics Velas Andrew J BSEE B S In Electrical Engineering EE Electrical Engineering Walter Matthew D MBA Master of Business Admin PMGM Project Management Walton Tyler K BSBU B S In Business & Economics FIN Finance Wang Linlin MSAI Master Acct & Info Anal ACCT Accounting Wang Shuyi MSAF MS Analytical Finance AFIN Analytical Finance Wang Tzue-Ning BSBE B S in Bioengineering BENG Bioengineering Wang Xiaomin MBA Master of Business Admin BSAD Business Administration Wang Xuejiao MS Master of Science STAT Statistics Wang Yibo MS Master of Science CEM Computational & Engr Mechanics Warbrick Paige MA Master of Arts POLS Political Science Ward Kebra A MS Master of Science PHY Physics (AS) Warga Chad J BSBU B S In Business & Economics MGT Management Watcharakuldilok Pathamaporn MENG Master of Engineering ISE Industrial and Systems Engr Wei Zhongyuan MS Master of Science MGTS Management Science Weidner Katie L MED Master of Education SPED Special Education Wells Dana A MED Master of Education CHS Counseling & Human Services Wendschuh Joren MENG Master of Engineering ESE Energy Systems Engineering Werley Eric MS Master of Science MATH Mathematics Wieber Joseph D MS Master of Science CSC Computer Science (EN) Wiener Jessica M MED Master of Education CHS Counseling & Human Services Williams Ashley L MED Master of Education ELED Elementary Education Win Rivka S MS Master of Science MATH Mathematics Wooler Bradley D BSCY B S In Chemistry (AS) CHM Chemistry (AS) Wu Yi MSAF MS Analytical Finance AFIN Analytical Finance Xie Yayun MSAF MS Analytical Finance AFIN Analytical Finance Xin Zhao MS Master of Science ECO Economics Xiong Xiong MS Master of Science CSC Computer Science (EN) Xu Yan MS Master of Science ME Mechanical Engineering Xu Zhen MS Master of Science ME Mechanical Engineering Yakubic John MBA Master of Business Admin SCM Supply Chain Management Yang Danhui MSAF MS Analytical Finance AFIN Analytical Finance Yang Fan MSAI Master Acct & Info Anal ACCT Accounting Yang Wei MSAI Master Acct & Info Anal ACCT Accounting Yang Yilou MS Master of Science STAT Statistics Yao Ruigen MS Master of Science STRU Structural Engineering Yaqub Mariam B MA Master of Arts CIED Comparative & International Ed Ye Ye MS Master of Science ECO Economics Yo Kyuhoon MBA Master of Business Admin BSAD Business Administration Young Bree Ann C BSBE B S in Bioengineering BENG Bioengineering Yu Yang PHD Doctor of Philosophy CSC Computer Science (EN) Yuan Lu MENG Master of Engineering ISEN Info & Systems Engineering Zeng Guosong MS Master of Science ME Mechanical Engineering Zeng Ni MSAI Master Acct & Info Anal ACCT Accounting Zhakova Olga M MA Master of Arts AMST American Studies Zhang Jing Hua PHD Doctor of Philosophy ECO Economics Zhang Lin MSAI Master Acct & Info Anal ACCT Accounting Zhang Lu MENG Master of Engineering ISE Industrial and Systems Engr Zhang Miao MSAI Master Acct & Info Anal ACCT Accounting Zhang Qi MS Master of Science MGTS Management Science Zhang Siming MS Master of Science CEM Computational & Engr Mechanics Zhang Xin MENG Master of Engineering ISE Industrial and Systems Engr Zhao Lingxiao MSAF MS Analytical Finance AFIN Analytical Finance Zhao Wanxi MSAF MS Analytical Finance AFIN Analytical Finance Zheng Haifeng MS Master of Science ME Mechanical Engineering Zheng Sushan BSIS B S In Info & System Engr ISEN Info & Systems Engineering Zheng Zhongyu MS Master of Science MGTS Management Science Zhu Meng PHD Doctor of Philosophy MATH Mathematics Zolomij Jonathan P MED Master of Education SCED Secondary Education Zwickl Meghan E BA Bachelor of Arts POLS Political Science Majr Code Minr 1 Majr1 Minor1 Dept Honors Inst Honors Home City Home State Home Zip Honors Doylestown PA 18902 Quakertown PA 18951 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18017 Bethlehem PA 18018 Highest Honors Bethlehem PA 18015 HMS Health, Medicine, & Society Bethlehem PA 18020 Coopersburg PA 18036 Allentown PA 18103 High Honors Newtown PA 18940 SPAN Spanish Journalism & Communication Highest Honors Allentown PA 18104 SPAN Spanish Journalism & Communication R. C. Eckardt College Scholar Allentown PA 18104 POLS Political Science Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Highest Honors Emmaus PA 18049 Fountainville PA 18923 Easton PA 18045 Fountain Hill PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18018 Bethlehem PA 18018 Bethlehem PA 18015 Hellertown PA 18055 Bethlehem PA 18015 Emmaus PA 18049 Bethlehem PA 18015 Hellertown PA 18055 Scotrun PA 18355 Bethlehem PA 18015 Nazareth PA 18064 Quakertown PA 18951 Macungie PA 18062 High Honors Nazareth PA 18064 Honors New Hope PA 18938 Orefield PA 18069 Macungie PA 18062 Easton PA 18040 AERO Aerospace Studies Highest Honors Easton PA 18042 Fogelsville PA 18051 Nazareth PA 18064 Center Valley PA 18034 Bangor PA 18013 Emmaus PA 18049 Bethlehem PA 18017 Nazareth PA 18064 Bethlehem PA 18020 Easton PA 18045 Northampton PA 18067 Biological Sciences Newtown PA 18940 LAST Latin American Studies Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18018 Bethlehem PA 18015 Hellertown PA 18055 Center Valley PA 18034 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 ASIA Asian Studies Honors Whitehall PA 18052 Bethlehem PA 18018 LEAD Leadership Bethlehem PA 18018 Highest Honors Bethlehem PA 18015 Stroudsburg PA 18360 Highest Honors Wescosville PA 18106 Highest Honors Wescosville PA 18106 Bethlehem PA 18015 Allentown PA 18103 FREN French Honors Bethlehem PA 18015 Allentown PA 18104 Macungie PA 18062 Bethlehem PA 18017 Honors Stroudsburg PA 18360 Bethlehem PA 18017 Allentown PA 18104 Fountain Hill PA 18015 HMS Health, Medicine, & Society Bethlehem PA 18017 Allentown PA 18104 Hellertown PA 18055 Bethlehem PA 18015 Physics Highest Honors Bethlehem PA 18015 Physics R. C. Eckardt College Scholar Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Riegelsville PA 18077 Bethlehem PA 18015 Nazareth PA 18064 Allentown PA 18104 Bethlehem PA 18015 BUS Business Highest Honors Bethlehem PA 18017 Bethlehem PA 18015 EES Earth & Environmental Science Highest Honors Whitehall PA 18052 Bethlehem PA 18015 Easton PA 18042 Honors Bethlehem PA 18017 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Phillipsburg NJ 08865 Bethlehem PA 18018 Bethlehem PA 18017 Bethlehem PA 18017 Allentown PA 18104 Pipersville PA 18947 Hellertown PA 18055 Honors Doylestown PA 18901 GLST Global Studies Allentown PA 18104 Easton PA 18042 Bethlehem PA 18015 Tatamy PA 18085 Bethlehem PA 18017 Bethlehem PA 18018 Doylestown PA 18902 Jim Thorpe PA 18229 Bethlehem PA 18017 Bethlehem PA 18015 High Honors Bethlehem PA 18017 Kunkletown PA 18058 Bethlehem PA 18020 Bethlehem PA 18020 Bethlehem PA 18015 ASEN Aerospace Engineering Easton PA 18042 Allentown PA 18102 Bethlehem PA 18018 Bethlehem PA 18015 Honors Bethlehem PA 18017 Bethlehem PA 18018 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Perkasie PA 18944 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18020 Easton PA 18045 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18018 Allentown PA 18103 Bethlehem PA 18015 Holicong PA 18928 JOUR Journalism Highest Honors Doylestown PA 18901 Phillipsburg NJ 08865 Bath PA 18014 Bethlehem PA 18015 Political Science Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bath PA 18014 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Phillipsburg NJ 08865 Coopersburg PA 18036 Quakertown PA 18951 HIST History Highest Honors Emmaus PA 18049 Bethlehem PA 18017 PSYC Psychology Honors Bethlehem PA 18017 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18020 Political Science High Honors Ottsville PA 18942 Bethlehem PA 18018 Easton PA 18045 Allentown PA 18109 Wind Gap PA 18091 Pen Argyl PA 18072 Quakertown PA 18951 Easton PA 18045 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18018 ECO Economics Richboro PA 18954 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18017 Emmaus PA 18049 Allentown PA 18104 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18018 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Chalfont PA 18914 BUS Business Chalfont PA 18914 Allentown PA 18109 Bethlehem PA 18017 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 IR International Relations High Honors Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Nazareth PA 18064 New Tripoli PA 18066 Doylestown PA 18901 MAT Materials Sci. & Engineering High Honors Allentown PA 18103 Honors Easton PA 18042 Bethlehem PA 18015 Highest Honors Slatington PA 18080 LEAD Leadership Easton PA 18045 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 COGS Cognitive Science Bethlehem PA 18020 Jamison PA 18929 Stroudsburg PA 18360 Honors Allentown PA 18104 Nazareth PA 18064 Allentown PA 18104 Bethlehem PA 18015 Highest Honors Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Honors Bethlehem PA 18015 Perkasie PA 18944 Allentown PA 18104 Bowmanstown PA 18030 Macungie PA 18062 CWRT Creative Writing Highest Honors Bethlehem PA 18020 Bethlehem PA 18018 Chalfont PA 18914 Orefield PA 18069 Honors Whitehall PA 18052 REL Religion Studies High Honors Quakertown PA 18951 Bethlehem PA 18015 Catasauqua PA 18032 Allentown PA 18104 Easton PA 18045 Allentown PA 18103 ASEN Aerospace Engineering Allentown PA 18103 Richboro PA 18954 HMS Health, Medicine, & Society Easton PA 18045 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18018 JOUR Journalism Honors Bethlehem PA 18015 Allentown PA 18104 Bethlehem PA 18018 Coopersburg PA 18036 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Hellertown PA 18055 Coplay PA 18037 Breinigsville PA 18031 Fountain Hill PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18020 Bethlehem PA 18015 Easton PA 18045 Nazareth PA 18064 Whitehall PA 18052 Allentown PA 18103 Saylorsburg PA 18353 Bethlehem PA 18017 Northampton PA 18067 JOUR Journalism English Highest Honors Bethlehem PA 18017 Center Valley PA 18034 BIS Business Information Systems Allentown PA 18103 Journalism High Honors New Hope PA 18938 Bethlehem PA 18018 Phillipsburg NJ 08865 Easton PA 18040 IPRE Integrated Prog in Real Estate Honors Bethlehem PA 18017 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18018 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Easton PA 18045 Schnecksville PA 18078 Biological Sciences High Honors Whitehall PA 18052 ARST Art Studio Honors Allentown PA 18103 Allentown PA 18104 Breinigsville PA 18031 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18018 Allentown PA 18104 High Honors Allentown PA 18103 REL Religion Studies Honors Doylestown PA 18901 Bethlehem PA 18018 ENSP Entrepreneurship Jamison PA 18929 Bethlehem PA 18017 Laurys Station PA 18059 REL Religion Studies Nazareth PA 18064 Easton PA 18040 Allentown PA 18106 PSYC Psychology Allentown PA 18101 Allentown PA 18104 Political Science Allentown PA 18103 Bangor PA 18013 Bethlehem PA 18018 Bethlehem PA 18018 Bethlehem PA 18017 Emmaus PA 18049 Fountain Hill PA 18015 Center Valley PA 18034 Pen Argyl PA 18072 Bethlehem PA 18015 Allentown PA 18103 Bethlehem PA 18015 Quakertown PA 18951 Stroudsburg PA 18360 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Hellertown PA 18055 HMS Health, Medicine, & Society Honors Bethlehem PA 18020 Emmaus PA 18049 Freemansburg PA 18017 Bethlehem PA 18015 Allentown PA 18104 Allentown PA 18103 Allentown PA 18103 Highest Honors Allentown PA 18104 Perkasie PA 18944 New Tripoli PA 18066 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Phillipsburg NJ 08865 Bethlehem PA 18018 Lehighton PA 18235 Honors Bethlehem PA 18020 Bethlehem PA 18015 CPRS Computer Science Whitehall PA 18052 Bethlehem PA 18017 Economics English Highest Honors Newtown PA 18940 Chalfont PA 18914 Allentown PA 18102 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18018 Bethlehem PA 18018 Easton PA 18042 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18017 Bethlehem PA 18017 Bethlehem PA 18015 Whitehall PA 18052 High Honors Richboro PA 18954 Bethlehem PA 18015 Wind Gap PA 18091 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18020 Bethlehem PA 18020 Bethlehem PA 18015 Newtown PA 18940 Walnutport PA 18088 Northampton PA 18067 Allentown PA 18103 Macungie PA 18062 Bethlehem PA 18015 Honors Hellertown PA 18055 High Honors Allentown PA 18104 Nazareth PA 18064 Hellertown PA 18055 Catasauqua PA 18032 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Allentown PA 18103 Political Science Bethlehem PA 18018 Bethlehem PA 18018 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Highest Honors Allentown PA 18103 Design Arts Nazareth PA 18064 Bethlehem PA 18017 East Stroudsburg PA 18302 SOC Sociology / Social Psychology Honors East Stroudsburg PA 18302 Bethlehem PA 18018 HIST History High Honors Bethlehem PA 18017 New Tripoli PA 18066 Bethlehem PA 18017 PSYC Psychology Biological Sciences Quakertown PA 18951 PEAC Peace Studies Quakertown PA 18951 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18017 Allentown PA 18104 HIST History New Tripoli PA 18066 Bethlehem PA 18015 Coopersburg PA 18036 Fountain Hill PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem, PA PA 18018 Doylestown PA 18901 Allentown PA 18104 Bethlehem PA 18017 REL Religion Studies Bethlehem PA 18017 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18017 Emmaus PA 18049 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Whitehall PA 18052 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Breinigsville PA 18031 Bethlehem PA 18017 Perkasie PA 18944 New Hope PA 18938 SCM Supply Chain Management Bethlehem PA 18015 HIST History Highest Honors Richboro PA 18954 Hellertown PA 18055 Honors Quakertown PA 18951 Easton PA 18040 High Honors Ottsville PA 18942 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Easton PA 18040 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Northampton PA 18067 Bethlehem PA 18018 SCM Supply Chain Management Easton PA 18040 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18020 Emmaus PA 18049 Allentown PA 18109 Lehighton PA 18235 Easton PA 18045 Allentown PA 18104 Fogelsville PA 18051 Mount Pocono PA 18344 Honors Quakertown PA 18951 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Doylestown PA 18901 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Catasauqua PA 18032 Bethlehem PA 18015 Breinigsville PA 18031 Ottsville PA 18942 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Bethlehem PA 18015 Whitehall PA 18052 Slatington PA 18080


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