Tuesday, May 15, 2012

ESPN Announces Second Round of 30 for 30 Documentaries

http://sportsmediajournal.com/ With the success of it’s initial foray into the world of documentary film making with its 30 for 30 series three years ago, ESPN has announced that a second round of 30 for 30 documentaries will be produced beginning this October. ESPN Films will spearhead the effort, working once again with a variety of film makers to tell the stories of some of sports historic moments and legendary characters. “30 for 30 was conceived as a finite collection and when the original series ended in December of 2010 with Pony Excess, we had underestimated the strength of the connection fans had made between sports documentaries and the 30 for 30 brand,” said Connor Schell, vice president of ESPN Films said in a press release. “We’re proud to have created a brand that has become synonymous with quality sports storytelling and we see value in bringing back a second collection of 30 films.” ESPN Films will expand its offerings by also producing 30 for 30 Shorts – a 30-part digital short film series. 30 for 30 Shorts will be similar to the feature-length films in that each piece will represent a specific point of view of the filmmaker and will be a reflection of how they blend the narrative with their own visual style. The shorts will be available monthly beginning in September on Bill Simmons’ Grantland.com. The first short, ‘Here Now” about Pete Rose, is currently available for viewing. Some of the topics for films in the series will focus on the career of Bo Jackson, the 1983 NC State Men’s College Basketball National Championship team, and how some athletes could not handle the money that went along with their fame.

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