Thursday, March 15, 2012

"Dave Davis was one of the most generous guys I've ever known," -- Rich Fatzinger


"He was one of the most giving, most generous people I've ever known," said current Central Catholic and former Parkland basketball coach Rich Fatzinger.

The emotional Fatzinger was talking about Dave Davis, the owner of the popular Willow Tree Grove, who died on Wednesday after an accident with a scooter. Davis (at right) was 62 Dave Davis

"He was always so supportive of our teams, our students, even the PAC [the student fan group]," Fatzinger said. "He always wanted to know what he could do to help, and didn't want anything in return. He always wanted to stay in the background, and when you came to his place all he cared about was that you enjoyed yourself and had a good time."

Davis loyally supported Parkland teams, but even attended Central Catholic games because of his friendship with Fatzinger.

"When I was retired and thinking about getting back into coaching, he was someone who convinced me to go and do it," Fatzinger said. "He said that if I can help kids, I should get back involved. We had many good talks about it."

Fatzinger said that he began taking his Parkland teams to Willow Tree for events more than a decade ago.

"I think Parkland's assocation with Dave and Willow Tree started when Rich Sniscak was Parkland's football coach and took teams up there for banquets," Fatzinger said. "Dave was a Parkland graduate and really never stopped caring about the school. He also did a lot of things for the North and South Parkland youth organizations and for Northwestern Lehigh."

Don Herb, a longtime area photographer, said: "I don't think people know half the stuff he did for Parkland and Parkland kids."

Fatzinger said service plans are still being worked out and mentioned Monday as a likely date, possibly at the Grove.

"He loved that place," Fatzinger said. "He built it up from next to nothing."

Fatzinger said that Davis was going to have a party next week.

"I asked him why and he said he was about to receive his first Social Security check and he wanted to celebrate," Fatzinger said, choking up. "This is just a real shame and a big loss."

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