Sunday, February 05, 2012

Pro Bowl needs to improve or it could be dropped, according to NFL commissioner


NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell says he is disappointed in the quality of last week's Pro Bowl and changes must be considered, perhaps even dropping the game altogether.

Speaking on ESPN Radio, Goodell says this year's Pro Bowl wasn't "the kind of football we want to be demonstrating to our fans, and you heard it from the fans, the fans were actively booing in the stands."

Goodell made his remarks today, hours before the start of the Super Bowl.

Goodell has spoken to the NFL Players Association about his disappointment, adding, "We are going to either have to improve the quality of what we are doing in the Pro Bowl or consider other changes, or even consider eliminating the game if that is the kind of quality of game we are going to provide."

The AFC won the game 59-41.

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