Monday, January 23, 2012

Sunday was another good day for Chuck Dibilio


Here's what Bonnie Coyle Ronco, Chuck Dibilio's mother, wrote on Facebook on Sunday:

''Another good day for Chuckie today. He felt tired and rested a lot but was cheerful when awake. He stood for first time and moved to sit in chair, and balance was good. Talked with lots of docs today - still haven't found the cause but continue to order all kinds of tests. By evening he was drawing supply and demand graphs and explaining them so his speech and processing centers are definitely recovering! A big thank you to all for the support and prayers.'' Have a great Monday Everybody!!


Hope to talk to her directly on Monday to get the latest on Chuck. Obviously, the passing of Joe Paterno, the snow and the conference title games all kept some of us preoccupied through the weekend, but the weekend began with many of us thinking about and praying for Chuck Dibilio and that's how we should begin this coming week -- thinking of a great young man who has been knocked down, but will work like crazy to get back up.
And thanks to my good friend, Andy Weaver, for keeping me informed and for helping me make connections as we continue to monitor Chuck's condition.

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