Friday, December 30, 2011

Police say 24-year-old Nazareth man robbed elderly women for drug money


Nazareth police say they've arrested a borough man in connection with the snatching of a 94-year-old woman's purse last week after he was caught robbing another elderly woman earlier today.

Police say Caleb Clift, 24, was apprehended and taken into custody today after he was caught robbing a 90-year-old woman of her purse in front of the Lafayette Ambassador Bank in the 100 block of South Main Street.

Clift robbed the woman while he was on his way to meet a heroin dealer and needed money to pay for it, police said.

In addition to admitting to the charges, police say Clift also admitted to snatching a 94-year-old woman's purse last Saturday at the Moravian Hall Square retirement community.

Feeding his heroin addiction was the motive behind the two incidents, police said.

According to arresting officer Daniel Troxell, Clift had been living in the American Hotel in the 200 block of South Main Street in the borough. Police said that hotel representatives were very cooperative with the investigation.

Troxell said that Clift told him that he had developed a heroin addiction because of a growing presence of drug activity in Nazareth and that it was "hard to get away from it."

Clift is being charged separately for the two incidents and faces multiple counts of robbery, receiving stolen property, possession of drug paraphernalia and theft.

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