Wednesday, November 09, 2011

MS Production of 13 Results in Parent Letter from Principal


The Nazareth Area Middle School students today had an opportunity to see the MS drama club production 13. Shortly after students were dismissed from school an email was sent out by principal Kern.

In part it read, "During the rehearsal today, however, it was discovered that some of the scenes may have been been inappropriate for some students. While there was no obscene language, there were references to sexual situations and innuendoes that should not be promoted at the middle school level."

My daughter told us the words "ass", "hell", "penis", "slut", and "skank" were all either spoken, shouted or sung. She found it hilarious, in part because of the incredulity of what she was seeing and hearing in school by students in front of teachers, and also to see the reactions of the teachers, not to mention all of the jokes being told afterward. She was at least smart enough not to tell my wife about it infront of her younger sister.

We also learned that a prominent theme throughout was, "The tongue", which appeared to be what the guys wanted to get from the girls, and rounding bases and trying to get to third was included in a song. She also said that there were kissing scenes in the script that weren't rehearsed or performed.

The song Hey Kendra goes like this:

Eddie & Malcolm: Hey Kendra
Brett: Hey Kendra
Eddie & Malcolm: I’ve been thinking
Brett: I’ve been thinking
Eddie, & Malcolm: I’ve got to, got to, got to, got to get with you
Brett: So true
Eddie & Malcolm: I wanna get up all in your business girl And make you feel real fine
Brett: Uh, real fine. Not fake fine.
Eddie & Malcolm: Hey Kendra
Brett: Hey Kendra
Eddie & Malcolm: Come closer
Brett: Much closer
Eddie & Malcolm: I got myself a brand new rocking horse Why don’t you climb up here
Eddie: And rock it, rock it all night long
Brett: Okay, okay stop! Yeah…not gonna work.
Eddie: Yeah, so gonna work! It’s double edge--
Eddie & Malcolm: Smooth.
Brett: Guys, Kendra’s a good girl. I can’t just hit on her like whack-a-mole.
I do that, I will never get the tongue. Incoming! Kendra, 3 o’clock!

Today's show ended (they only perform a portion) with the cast taking stage to say things in unison including, "At 13 I got drunk" and "At 13 I signed a virginity contract".

The production did feature 13 year-olds and the lead was 12 going on 13 and about to become a "man", but it billed itself as, "A grown-up story about growing up!"
The letter goes on to say, "I apologize that while the show is advertised on the posters as PG (parental guidance suggested), you were not given the opportunity to provide the parental guidance for your child. This situation should never have occurred, and steps are currently being put in place to ensure that it does not occur in the future."

1. Why was a MS theatre troupe conducting a PG production for grown-ups about growing up?
2. Why was administration unaware of the content prior to it being presented to students?
3. What consequence is this going to have to the kids in the show?

Not only was there incredibly poor judgement by the teacher who selected this production, I'm stunned that there was no administrative oversight regarding the content being presented to students, and most amazing is that after the first presentation it continued until all the students in the building saw it (there were multiple productions today).

Regarding consequences, I feel bad for the kids in the production, because they worked hard for months on a production that younger siblings shouldn't be watching and parents and grandparents would probably be embarrassed to see them perform in (oh was that your daughter they called a slut, she really played the role).

Further, the kids were kidding about the lines and songs and Gene Simmon's styled tongue flicking was all the rage, which while not intentionally negative probably made the ones in the production feel embarrassed.

The public production is this weekend and "plans to address the situation are currently in place to make the production more age appropriate."

What do you think?

Posted via email from Ross Nunamaker

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