Saturday, November 19, 2011

Movember brings back the mustache to help fight cancer


The mustache is back. At least for the month of November.

Movember is a national movement that encourages men to use their facial hair for good. “Mo Bros” as they’re called, are encouraged to start Nov. 1 clean-shaven, and spend the next 30 days growing out their mustache to raise money to prevent cancers that affect men, particularly prostate cancer.

Mo Bros are supposed to encourage friends and family to donate to their cause throughout the month. Some even throw parties at the end of the month to commemorate the promotion.

Movember takes the funds raised and divides them between the Prostate Cancer Foundation and Livestrong, about 35 percent to each. The remainder of funds go toward awareness and education programs, fundraising and administrative costs, according to The idea originally took off in 2003 in Australia, but today is celebrated in 10 countries.

Lisa Potter, spokeswoman for the Movember Foundation, says last year they had just under 65,000 U.S. participants, and hoped this year to get 120,000. To date, they have 135,000 participants in the country.

At Strategic Style barbershop in Lower Nazareth Township, owner John Muscler and massage therapist Tim Hoyt plan to celebrate Movember with a public party Nov. 30 at the shop.

Both men are growing mustaches. Although it’s a first for Hoyt, Muscler says he’s had his ‘stache since he was in his 20s and the real shock will be shaving it off.

Muscler admits he’d never heard of Movember until Hoyt mentioned it this year. “It’s mustache and November put together,” he jokes. But Muscler was happy to help a good cause. The shop hung banners and set out a drop box for donations.

“I think my wife will be very shocked when the mustache comes off,” Muscler says.

Muscler plans to shave his facial hair in front of the crowd during the shop’s Movember party.

The party, which promises food, socializing and prizes for the best ‘stache will be held 1 to 8 p.m. The party itself is free; the only cost is for men who wish to shave their facial hair or get a haircut while they’re there.

To date, the Movember movement has raised more than $45.3 million globally this year, Potter says.

She says the foundation isn't nearly as excited about the dollar figure as much as the growing participant number.

"The average participant talks to 61 people about their mustache, men's health and Movember," Potter says. "It's a fun way for men to open up conversations about men's health and cancer issues."

"I think men are excited to have something to do for themselves," she says.

Potter says Movember is to men what October's breast cancer awareness initiatives are for women.

“(My) wife was a little uncertain at first, but is very supportive,” Hoyt says of being a Mo Bro.

While Mo Bros are encouraged to wax and style their new mustaches with pride (handlebar mustache, anyone?), Hoyt’s not getting crazy with it.

“I have pretty fine hair, so it’s pretty hard for me to grow a mustache in just a month,” he admits.

Hoyt’s the one behind the Movember party idea at Strategic Style, after hearing about the movement from friends. “I figured it’d be a good thing to get the whole barbershop in on it,” he says.

Strategic Style is donating 20 percent of the money they bring in from shaves and massages for the month to the Movember campaign.

They’re not the only ones with Movember parties on the mind. According to the website, there are two other house parties in the Easton area. Find other events in your area on

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