Monday, October 17, 2011

Nazareth police chief wants three full-time hires following injuries to two officers in two days


Nazareth Police Chief Thomas Trachta wants three full-time officers hired following the injuries of two borough officers in less than two days.

However, Mayor Fred Daugherty said tonight he disapproves of that request.

"I don't support that," Daugherty said during the police committee meeting.

Trachta asked for the hires following two officers hurt on the job within 38 hours. Officer Daniel Troxell hurt his back and left arm Saturday afternoon after a foot chase through the borough. Detective Frederick Lahovski was punched in the face early Monday morning during an encounter with a Moore Township man who was allegedly intoxicated.

"That reduced me to one full-time officer," Trachta told the committee. "I don't know how long this police officer will be out."

The department has nine part-time officers, but Trachta said some part-timers might only work one shift in two weeks. He said he wants six full-time officers.

Trachta said prior to the meeting the incidents highlight the need for the borough to hire more full-time officers so his men don't have to occasionally patrol by themselves. Both Troxell and Lahovski were injured at times when they were patrolling solo, Trachta said.

"We're running skeleton crews and the cops are getting injured," Trachta said. "We need two guys going into these situations."

Daugherty favors disbanding the force and hiring the Colonial Regional Police Department to provide coverage, citing high operating costs to run the borough department.

Daugherty told Trachta during the meeting there have yet to be discussions with Colonial Regional nor have there been discussions with the Upper Nazareth Police Department concerning any merger.

The borough gave Trachta the nod to hire four part-time officers to tide the department over until borough council decides what to do with the police department.

Troxell was called to a domestic dispute about 4 p.m. Saturday at a home in the 100 block of South Whitfield Street, police said. Thad Starner ran from the home and Troxell gave chase, police said. Troxell caught up with Starner at South Main and Prospect streets, where the pair wrestled, police said. Charges are pending against Starner, police said.

Lahovski was injured early Monday morning when he was summoned to the 100 block of Main Street, police said. Lahovski found Joseph Marvelli, of the 500 block of Morrison Place in Moore Township, with an open head wound. Marvelli was visibly intoxicated and uncooperative, police said.

Lahovski tried to arrest Marvelli because he was banging on windows and screaming. Marvelli started to run away, but Lahovski caught up to him and grabbed the back of his shirt, police said. Marvelli allegedly turned around and punched Lahovski in the face, shattering his glasses. Marvelli also allegedly grabbed at Lahovski's eyes.

"He tried to gouge my eyes out," Lahovski said. "He was trying to do serious bodily injury."

A passerby helped Lahovski to get Marvelli under control, police said. Lahovski said he told the man to grab Marvelli's legs so he could get him under control. Marvelli was taken to St. Luke's Hospital for treatment, where he allegedly threatened the hospital staff, records say.

Marvelli was arraigned before District Judge John Capobianco and is charged with aggravated assault, making terroristic threats, simple assault, disorderly conduct, criminal mischief, resisting arrest and public drunkenness.

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