Thursday, October 13, 2011




On Saturday, October 1, 2011 the Memorial Library of Nazareth and Vicinity held an event at Tuskes Park called Touch-A-Truck. This was a fund raiser for the Library and was very successful. However, that success was due to the hard work of very many people and I would like to thank them. There were so many people it will not be possible to thank them individually. Still, without the efforts of all of the individuals involved it would not have been the success it was.

First I would like to thank the Upper Nazareth Township Board of Supervisors for allowing us to use Tuskes Park for the event. For anyone who was not there, we had over forty vehicles of all shapes and sizes and an event like this requires a significant amount of space. Room for all the vehicles, room for parking, facilities for all the guests all adds up and we simply could not have done this at the Library. Without your support this event would never have gotten off the drawing board. On behalf of the Library Board, I want to thank the Upper Nazareth Board of Supervisors for giving us the place to try and make our dream come true.

Next I need to thank the employees of the Upper Nazareth Township who not only did a significant amount of work in the planning of this event; and who not only donated their time on the day of the event but who also did such an amazing job organizing the trucks. There were many, very large trucks that had to be placed just so. At the end of the day, the “Parade of Trucks” was all of these very large vehicles leaving single file out of the Park, in part because they had been placed in such a way that they could easily depart. This was no mean feat and for all the planning and dreaming, without people to put it into practical reality, the planning would have been for naught. So thank you to all the employees of Upper Nazareth Township who took the idea and made it work so well.

I also want to thank all of those employees of our other member municipalities who also gave up their day and brought a number of their vehicles to the event. Police and Fire Vehicles from Bushkill Township, Lower Nazareth Township, Nazareth Borough and Upper Nazareth Township were well represented on the day. We also had employees from numerous other companies that donated their time and vehicles so that we could have a variety of trucks for everyone to see, and climb on. Not just kick the tires, but blow the horns and turn on the sirens. From the Bookmobile to the Cement trucks to the cranes and bucket trucks, and the Medivac Helicopter to the Nazareth Economic Development Council, the Boy Scouts and FeFe from the Iron Pigs; it was the variety of things for everyone to see and do that made the even a wonderful experience for all those who came to see it. To all those who gave up their day to make our day such a success, I thank you very much for your generosity.

To my fellow Board members I want to give my thanks and my congratulations for a job well done. This project was not something that I was involved with except that I knew it was happening. And while I would get reports of the progress, it was the hard work and dedication of others that was the heart of this success. Sometimes the nature of a position you hold can lead to you receiving the credit for what others have done. But it would be unjust for me to take any credit for this great success. Lanie Graf (Bushkill) Laurie Jordon (Lower Nazareth) Barb Fischl and Donna Fox (Nazareth Borough) Terri Sayago (Upper Nazareth) and our Library Executive Director Lynn Snodgrass-Pilla and all the library staff members who saw an opportunity for the Library to have a very fun event and raise some money. They all worked with our member municipalities, went out and found vendors to contribute their time, talents and vehicles to this event and made it happen. To them I just want to say that your tireless efforts paid off in an event that far exceeded expectations in every way. The people that attended seemed to genuinely enjoy themselves and had a memorable experience. You should be proud of your accomplishment.

I also need to thank a host of other people who volunteered their time as well. People who helped park cars, helped people on and off the trucks, who made sign and the maps which were handed out at the event. Who took tickets or donated money because they wanted to help out in some way. All of these people helped us to provide a time that was entertaining and enjoyable. And your efforts are very much appreciated.

Finally to the people who came out and paid their money and helped make the event so well attended, I want to thank you as well. This was a fund raiser for the Library. With the financial situation at present, the State has significantly cut Library spending in the last few years. Our member municipalities have done all that they can to help us make up the difference, but there is only so much they can do as well. In order for us to continue to provide the myriad of services the Library makes available to the public, the success of this fund raiser aids that cause. Libraries today are much more than just a place to get a book. We have computer access for resume drafting and on-line job applications; audio books for your car, downloadable books for on the go use; internet access to the library. All of these services are available, in part, because people are willing to help us out, make a donation or come to a fund raiser. Thank you to everyone who made this event such a great success.

John Reinhart, Library Board President.

Posted via email from Ross Nunamaker

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