Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Moore Township supervisors and Northampton County preserve 100-plus acres of farmland


The Moore Township Board of Supervisors, working with Northampton County Council, has put more than 100 acres of farmland out of developers' reach, supervisors announced today.

Supervisors this year committed $1 million toward farmland preservation and are working to purchase the development rights of tracts on Rabbit Road, Beacon Road and Kern Road. Supervisors Chairman Maynard Campbell said the county has preserved two farms on South Oaks Road and Yost Road.

The township may gain the development rights of a fourth farm, said Supervisor Richard Gable.

Supervisors wrote a letter asking county officials to fully fund the county's open space program next year.

"Now more than ever it is necessary to take steps to preserve family farms in Northampton County that have contributed to the quality of life that we all enjoy," supervisors said in the letter. "Your actions and continued support will ensure that the rural character of the county is preserved and that the lakes, streams and wildlife habitat are protected."


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