Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Easton Area School Board to discuss Route 33 interchange, high school pool


The Easton Area School Board is expected to discuss several items during its meeting tonight, including whether to revoke their previous approval for a proposed Route 33 interchange in Palmer Township.

The board, which meets tonight starting at 6:30, approved a tax incentive deal for the proposal in August, but board members are now upset with a $2 million side deal the county council cut before approving it.

According to the state, the school board still has the legal authority to withdraw their old vote.

The board tonight is also expected to vote about the concept for a $4.2 million high school pool renovation. Although the pool has long been a lightening rod of controversy for the district, the current proposal would be paid for through fundraising, not district money.

The board is also scheduled to discuss whether to seek grants for solar panel projects, vote to establish a memorial scholarship inspired by student Gregory Burns, and discuss plans to respond to the district's state standardized exams results.

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