Sunday, September 25, 2011

Letter to Our Readers: Morning Call Offers Digital Subscription


I wanted to let you know about an important change that we will be making to The Morning Call’s website in the coming weeks.

On October 10, we will begin offering digital subscriptions to Purchasing a digital subscription will allow you to view an unlimited amount of our website’s articles, blogs, photos and videos. If you do not subscribe, you will have free access to 10 pages each month. If you exceed that limit, you will be asked to become a digital subscriber.

Since its launch in 1996, has established itself as the Lehigh Valley’s No. 1 local news website, drawing more readers than any other local media company. In August 2011, the website was viewed a record number of times, earning 18 million page views from 1.2 million unique users. In 2010, received 174 million page views, clearly demonstrating the website’s ability to keep readers coming back regularly to stay informed.

As digital readers, you recognize the website’s value, and subscribing preserves your access to our unique, in-depth local news and information. For around 35 cents a day – even less if you also enjoy a print subscription – you can have complete access to the rich content that makes such an important news source.

We will continue to innovate in ways that provide you with the news you need in whatever devices or formats you choose.

Timothy E. Ryan


The Morning Call,0,601307.story

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