Thursday, August 04, 2011

Upper Nazareth Township officials spent $200,000 over 2010 budget, audit says


Upper Nazareth Township supervisors spent about $200,000 over budget last year, more than 10 percent of the total $1.8 million budget, according to a preliminary audit.
Vice Chairman Scott Sylvainus said they have gone "slightly over" budget in recent years, but never as much as $200,000. The township used its surplus to cover the deficit. The surplus now stands at $500,000, he said.

The audit, compiled by Riley and Co., Inc., is expected to be finalized later this month and then will be made available to the public.

Supervisors hope to break even this year. Department heads have already cut their budgets 6 to 14 percent this year.

"It's not a good idea to do that (spend more than accounted for) on a consistent basis because you are going to run out of money someday," Sylvainus said today.

Sylvainus said there was no single area in which supervisors spent more than they did in 2009 and money increased in all departments — police, public works, zoning and administrative, as well as engineering and solicitor fees.

Sylvainus said in prior years, the township took in more revenue than budgeted due to a robust real estate market. Supervisors will have to seek grants to help balance the budget.

"It's just not a good idea to keep planning -- to spend more than you take in -- is what the auditors said," he said.

During Wednesday’s supervisors meeting, tax professionals Debra A. Borger and Jay F. Grobelny discussed the audit and recommended ways to improve.

For instance, Borger recommended consolidating the township's 20 multiple separate escrow accounts into one.

One resident at Wednesday's meeting questioned why a supervisor attending a recent conference had been “overcompensated” for mileage and time spent at the meeting.

Supervisors Chairman Mike Rinker said the issue is being dealt with in private meetings. As a result of the incident, supervisors last month approved a policy that would specify exactly what will be paid in mileage and expenses before any municipal official attends an event.

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