Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Upper Nazareth officials want to solve Spring Brook Terrace woes


Upper Nazareth Township supervisors have agreed to help Nazareth officials fix drainage problems on Spring Brook Terrace.

The road is in the borough but gets soaked by runoff from the township. Residents who complained the borough never fulfilled a promise to fix the road say it needs new blacktop, curbs and better drainage.
During a meeting last week, township officials agreed to front the most of a $20,000 price tag for a basin if borough officials agreed to supply manpower, equipment and some of the funding, about $5,000. The basin would be in the township.

The goal is to complete the basin at the corner of Broad and Saint Elmo streets by the end of the year, said Scott Sylvainus, vice chairman of the township supervisors.

"Labor is a big portion of the cost," he said. "We're all happy that they are on board with assisting."

Spring Brook Terrace residents say the road was supposed to be repaired in 2007 but was bypassed to repairs to Green Street.

Council members have told residents all the work they want would cost $300,000 and be too expensive. The entire 2011 highway budget is $70,000.

Tom Fox, whose basement floods, was pleased with the agreement but said the street still needs repairs

"There are a lot of financial issues facing the borough. But if they plan accordingly, this project can be completed. This was the exact case four years ago," Fox said. "No more promises, just come through this time."

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