Friday, June 24, 2011

Thanks to Weave and family for hospitality


My favorite part of covering the McDonald's Lehigh Valley All-Star Football Classic each year is my visit to Andy Weaver's house after the game is over to do my story.

Thursday night marked the fourth or fifth consecutive year that I've gone back to the Weave's house.

When the story is done, I enjoy talking sports with him and his father and getting caught up on everything in the Nazareth area.

This time I actually got to see Weave's bedroom and all of his memorabilia. I got to see the control room of the AWEN -- the Andy Weaver E-mail Network. What a nicely-kept place Weave has.

Weave sold tickets for the game and has done a spectacular job all year at Nazareth events.

I would like to see more people hire him because I can guarantee no one will work harder and do a better job than the Weave.

He remains the president and sole member of the Keith Groller Fan Club and I am definitely a member of the Andy Weaver Fan Club and always will be.

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