Monday, June 27, 2011

Nazareth Area School Board approves 10-cent lunch increase


School lunches will increase by 10 cents for students across the Nazareth Area School District next school year.

The school board tonight voted 6-1 in favor of the increase. Board member Thomas Maher, who also serves as board treasurer, voted against the proposal, stating the lunch program falls short of being "self sustaining."

"The actual cost of the food service should stand on its own," Maher said after the meeting.

Board members also approved a $2 million food service budget for 2011-12. Board member Linda McDonald and President Loren Bradley were absent from the meeting.
The school lunch increase had been recommended by Sharon Ryba, the district's director of food services, during the June 20 school board meeting. Ryba then had told the board costs have increased in the district’s food service operation.

She also said the price of school lunches must be increased by at least 5 cents next school year for the district to be in accordance with the federal Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010.

Nazareth Area school lunches will increase by 10 cents to the following rates:

* Elementary schools, $1.95

* Intermediate school, $1.95

* Middle school, $2.20

* High school, $2.20

Adult lunches will remain at $3.50 with no increase.

The board did not raise the 50-cent price of an 8-ounce white or chocolate milk.

McDonald, during Ryba's report June 20, had urged the board to strike down the lunch increase, saying some residents in a tough economic climate are having a hard time putting food on the table.

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