Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Nazareth Area High School graduate Jacob Allen now sits on school board


Two weeks after graduating from Nazareth Area High School, Jacob Allen is ready to make changes to the district he's attended since kindergarten.

Allen, 18, of Bushkill Township, was unanimously appointed Monday night as a member of the Nazareth Area School Board. He fills a vacancy left by John Marino, who resigned last month after moving out of the region he represents.

Marino moved out of Region 1, which includes Bushkill Township, Tatamy and a portion of west Palmer Township. Marino previously lived in Bushkill Township and spent more than 11 years on the board.

Allen plans to attend Northampton Community College in the fall and will serve on the school board until Nov. 30. The seat will then go on the ballot during the general election in November. The person elected in November will serve the remaining two years of Marino's term.

Allen and current board President Lorin Bradley lost in the May primary election to incumbent Kenneth N. Butz Jr. and newcomer Chris Miller. Allen was the only candidate to submit a letter of interest to the school board to seek Marino's seat, Superintendent Victor Lesky said.

In the letter, Allen told the board he is qualified despite his youth.

Allen told the board Monday he has attended school board meetings each month since he was a high school freshman. He became interested in running for the board in 2008 when the board voted to raise property taxes 9.72 percent.

During the primary election, Allen ran on a platform of identifying unnecessary spending and cutting it.

"My goal is to balance quality education and financial responsibility," Allen had said.

Allen opposes the board's plan to eliminate the driver’s education program and hall monitor positions in the 2011-12 budget. Allen had said driver’s education has been one of the most popular electives in the district and he believes has a proven track record to enhance young driver safety.

When asked by school board members Monday what he thought about individual board members serving on individual committees versus being involved in all areas, Allen said he favored committees, calling it a "good way to work."

Prior to nominating Allen, board member Linda McDonald asked if he was sure he wanted to become a board member. Allen nodded his head and said, "yes."

"I am looking forward to my appointment to the Nazareth (Area) School Board, I understand the issues that all stakeholders within the district have and I hope to serve them equally," Allen said in an e-mail prior to Monday's meeting. "My primary focus will be to ensure the students in the district receive the best education possible with the resources available."


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