Wednesday, May 25, 2011




5:45p Weather World

6:00p PCN Tours Blue Star Ranges in Reading, PA

7:00p (LIVE) PCN Call-In: Open Records
Terry Mutchler, Executive Director of PA Office of Open Records
Call 1-877-PA6-5001

8:00p On The Issues: Rep. Stan Saylor, R-Majority Whip

8:15p Federal Debt
Capital BlueCross Forum

9:30p PA Senate: Monday
State Vehicle Use
Stillbirth Certificate
Liquor Purchase by Minors

10:40p PA Senate: Tuesday
Unemployment Compensation
Public Benefits Eligibility
Dog Purchaser Protection

12:15a PA House: Wednesday
House Floor Rules and Procedures

THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2011

6:00a PCN Profiles Donald Goldstein, Professor, Author and Pearl Harbor Historian

7:00a PCN Tours Bluett Brothers Violins in York, PA

8:00a PA Books "Fantasy Camp" and "Lambert" with author Jim O'Brien

9:00a PCN Call-In: Open Records (Recorded)
Terry Mutchler, Executive Director of PA Office of Open Records

10:00a On The Issues: Rep. Stan Saylor, R-Majority Whip

10:15a Solar Energy Credits
Rep. Chris Ross, R-Chester

10:30a Public Education and Taxation
PA Bar Association Constitutional Review Commission

12:55p Federal Debt
Capital BlueCross Forum

2:10p Lyme Disease Awareness Rally

3:35p Mental Health Services Rally
PA Community Providers Association

4:20p Public Charter and Cyber Schools Rally
PA Families for Public Cyber Schools
PA Coalition of Public Charter Schools

4:45p Military and Veterans Affairs Issues
PA House Veterans Affairs Committee

5:30p Religious Expression of Public School Employees
Rep. Eugene DePasquale, D-York
Rep. Will Tallman, R-Adams and York

5:45p Weather World

6:00p PCN Tours Bluett Brothers Violins in York, PA

7:00p (LIVE) PCN Call-In: PA Budget and the Economy
Ted Byrne, Managing Editor of Business2Business Magazine
David Black, President & CEO of Harrisburg Regional Chamber & CREDC
David Taylor, Executive Director of PA Manufacturers’ Association
Call 1-877-PA6-5001

8:00p On The Issues: Charles Zogby, PA Budget Secretary

8:15p On The Issues: PA Budget
Sen. Dominic Pileggi, R-Majority Leader
Sen. Jay Costa, D-Minority Leader

8:45p On The Issues: Rep. Stan Saylor, R-Majority Whip

9:00p Public Education and Taxation and Uniformity Clause
PA Bar Association Constitutional Review Commission

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