Tuesday, May 31, 2011



Still facing a $0.5 million dollar deficit, the NASD Board decided to reinstate the Driver’s Ed program and charge half the break even amount for the road portion according to an article in the Morning Call.

The program was reinstated because the administrators and service union agreed to a smaller raise in 2011-12 than their contracts called for.

Unfortunately, this form of solution is akin to plugging a finger in the wall of the dyke.

The NASD needs to reassess everything they do and how they do it.

Consider these statements:

“our enrollment is projected to decrease for the fourth year in a row, down to 4628. This enrollment figure is within 50 students of 2004-05 and 75 students of 2005-06 school years’ enrollment.”

“Next year we will spend $20 million more dollars to educate the same number of students as we did six/seven years ago.”

We need to look at everything from how we schedule, courses we offer, how we allocate teacher’s time and responsibilities, and what is a ‘fair’ salary for the time and responsibilities one handles. We can’t build on what we have, we have to look at everything with a fresh perspective.

The question is will anyone step up on the board and do this before it is too late. We’ve been fortunate compared to the city schools nearby, but it may only be a lag on our part.

Posted via email from Ross Nunamaker


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