Saturday, April 02, 2011

NASD Admin to Accept Raise


The Morning Call has another article on the NASD 2011-12 budget deficit.

A few interesting points were made including:

“On the expenditures side, Lesky hasn't heard anything from the teacher's union on a wage freeze, but his administrative group has already agreed to hold their raises at 1.7 percent, the state index.”

The administration is taking a 1.7% raise, but asking the union to take none. Seems the Admin should be on a freeze right now too.

“But because the district also plans to accept seven retirements, Lesky hopes layoffs won't be necessary. "Those people do have certifications, and hopefully they will fit into all those areas," he said.”

The proposed seven positions being cut will not result in layoffs as there are seven retirements. Instead people will receive different assignments with the possible exception of the custodian.

It is mentioned that Drivers’ Education is being cut. This does provide a service, and one that is offered outside the school. Maybe instead of cutting the program, it could be structured in a different way – ie a fee based program supplemented or supported by some insurance companies. The school would offer administrative support, they get a car from Brown Daub as a service as I understand it, and we have certified instructors who are paid out of the fee not as a full-time position with benefits.

Will be interesting to watch moving forward as there remains a $1M deficit.

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