Tuesday, April 19, 2011

LNT Supervisors Miffed


In the realm of not newsworthy but…according to the Express-Times, Lower Nazareth Supervisors are upset that they were not informed that Colonial Regional’s police chief was giving a presentation to Nazareth Borough.

So miffed were the supervisors that they had their solicitor draft a letter to the Colonial Regional Police Commission. The Commission indicated it received a letter from Nazareth Borough requesting the presentation and the presentation was on the agenda of their next meeting to discuss.

Nazareth is in early discovery phase as it relates to potential options for their police coverage. LNT’s rep to the Commission ought to have checked in with fellow Commission members or they could have asked the Commission the status. Instead they use the services of the solicitor to draft a letter for one government body to complain to another about its speaking with a third. Really?

Posted via email from Ross Nunamaker


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