Wednesday, March 30, 2011

First Time Offender Program Eliminated at NASD


The NASD Code of Conduct Policy came under question when administrators, in my opinion, failed to properly administer the existing policy which resulted in two wrestlers going out for cross-country to serve a suspension that resulted when it became known the pair had been arrested over the summer for a drug violation.

The Express-Times now reports that the NASD has eliminated its first time offenders program in the Conduct Policy to close the alleged “loophole”.

It seems to me this action by the NASD is contrary to the mission of our schools in general – to teach and educate our youth. Youth make mistakes, it is how we learn.

Why not strengthen the first time offender program? Why not clarify that a specified amount of counseling will take place, at the completion of which a certain amount of community service must be completed, and following which a five week suspension from competition in an activity in which the student has a history will begin. I’d further suggest that to remain eligible throughout the balance of the student’s time in school, random drug testing will take place and any violations will then result in permanent suspension.

After all, is our goal to punish the student by barring participation or to help ensure they don’t succumb to drugs.

Posted via email from Ross Nunamaker

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