Friday, March 18, 2011

Becahi taking applications for boys basketball position until Monday


Bethlehem Catholic's athletic director Mike Grasso called to tell me that the school is still seeking applicants for its vacant boys basketball coaching position until Monday.

It will not take any more applicants after that.

Grasso said he has received 16 applications so far and a committee has been assembled to conduct the interviews, which will begin shortly.

With summer ball looming soon, it's imperative to get a coach in place as soon as possible.

The rumor mill is cranking out some pretty prominent names in connection with the Becahi post. We'll see what happens. Who gets this job is going to be one of the most intriguing stories of the off season.

In addition, we have learned that Palmerton has opened up its boys basketball position.

Here are the details on that:

March 14, 2011


The following extra-curricular coaching position is available for the 2011-12 Boys Basketball season. Prior basketball coaching experience is required:

Head Boys Basketball Coach

Please forward questions regarding the position to Bill Congdon, Athletic Director/Associate Principal, extension 2215.

Present employees interested in the position should forward a letter of interest to Debbie Demyanovich, Director of Human Resources.

Non- district employee applicants need to submit a resume, letter of interest, Act 34, 151, & 114 (FBI) clearances to the Human Resource Office, Attn: Debbie Demyanovich.

Deadline for applications: March 24, 2011

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