Tuesday, February 22, 2011




5:45p Weather World

6:00p PCN Tours Carnegie Mellon University Fine Arts Building in Pittsburgh

6:15p PCN Tours Kitchen Kettle Village in Intercourse, PA

7:00p (LIVE) PCN Call-In: Lawsuit Liability
Scott Cooper, Vice President of the PA Association for Justice
Gene Barr, Vice President of Government & Public Affairs of the PA Chamber
Call 1-877-PA6-5001

8:00p On The Issues: Lawmakers & Social Media
Roy Wells, President of Triad Strategies

8:30p Tour of PA Cyber Charter School with Lt. Gov. Jim Cawley

9:20p Quinnipiac University Poll Results
State Capitol

9:25p Black History Month Recognition
Gov. Tom Corbett
Susan Corbett, PA First Lady

9:55p adultBasic Health Insurance
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in PA

10:15p On The Issues: Low-Income Health Insurance
Sen. Michael Stack, D-Philadelphia

10:45p Tour of PA Cyber Charter School with Lt. Gov. Jim Cawley

11:35p Black History Month Recognition
Gov. Tom Corbett
Susan Corbett, PA First Lady

12:05a adultBasic Health Insurance
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in PA

12:25a Quinnipiac University Poll Results
State Capitol

12:30a On The Issues: Lawmakers & Social Media
Roy Wells, President of Triad Strategies

1:00a PCN Call-In: Lawsuit Liability (Recorded)
Scott Cooper, Vice President of PA Association for Justice
Gene Barr, Vice President of Government & Public Affairs of PA Chamber


6:00a PCN Profiles Dr. James Adovasio
Director of the Anthropology & Archaeology Department at Mercyhurst College

7:00a PCN Tours Civil War Library & Museum in Philadelphia

7:40a PCN Tours All-Clad Cookware in Canonsburg, PA

8:00a PA Books: "Healing Poems" with author George Leader

9:00a PCN Call-In: Lawsuit Liability (Recorded)
Scott Cooper, Vice President of PA Association for Justice
Gene Barr, Vice President of Government & Public Affairs of PA Chamber

10:00a On The Issues: Lawmakers & Social Media
Roy Wells, President of Triad Strategies

10:30a Tour of PA Cyber Charter School with Lt. Gov. Jim Cawley

11:20a Quinnipiac University Poll Results
State Capitol

11:25a Black History Month Recognition
Gov. Tom Corbett
Susan Corbett, PA First Lady

11:55a adultBasic Health Insurance
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in PA

12:15p On The Issues: Low-Income Health Insurance
Sen. Michael Stack, D-Philadelphia

12:45p On The Issues: Lawmakers & Social Media
Roy Wells, President of Triad Strategies

1:15p Tour of PA Cyber Charter School with Lt. Gov. Jim Cawley

2:05p Black History Month Recognition
Gov. Tom Corbett
Susan Corbett, PA First Lady

2:35p adultBasic Health Insurance
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in PA

2:55p Prison Costs
PA Senate Judiciary Committee

5:00p PA Budget Priorities
County Commissioners Association of PA

5:15p Black History Month Recognition
Gov. Tom Corbett
Susan Corbett, PA First Lady

5:45p Weather World

6:00p PCN Tours Civil War Library & Museum in Philadelphia

6:40a PCN Tours All-Clad Cookware in Canonsburg, PA

7:00p (LIVE) PCN Call-In: PA Business Climate
David Thornburgh, Executive Director of Fels Institute of Government at University of Pennsylvania
David Taylor, Executive Director of PA Manufacturers’ Association
David Black, President & CEO of Harrisburg Regional Chamber and CREDC
Call 1-877-PA6-5001

8:00p On The Issues: Cancelled State Prison Project
Rep. Bill DeWeese, D-Fayette, Greene & Washington

8:30p King's College "Congress on Campus"
Rep. Lou Barletta, R-Pennsylvania
Rep. Tom Marino, R-Pennsylvania

10:00p Black History Month Celebration
Office of the Auditor General & Office of the Treasurer

11:00p Cable and Telecommunication issues
PA House Consumer Affairs Committee


6:00a PCN Profiles Richard Alley
Professor of the Department of Geosciences at Penn State University

7:00a PCN Tours Dutch's Custom Cycles in Swiftwater, PA

7:30a PCN Tours Packwood House Museum in Lewisburg, PA

8:00a PA Books "Heirloom: Notes from an Accidental Tomato Farmer" with author Tom Stark

9:00a (LIVE) Natural Gas Pipeline Inspection
PA House Consumer Affairs Committee


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