Tuesday, December 14, 2010


From Keith Groller

True story.

I dozed off on the couch as I was watching the fourth quarter of the Ravens-Texans game on Monday night. When I opened my eyes briefly, the game was over, and I saw the ESPN guys talking about an AP report that the Phillies signed Cliff Lee. They even had a graphic listing him with the rest of the star pitchers in the Phillies rotation.

Since there was absolutely no talk, no mention of Lee going to the Phillies before Monday, and me being very tired, I just figured I was still dreaming. I turned the pillow around and fell back asleep.

But it's now around 4 a.m., and I decided to get off the couch and go up to bed. But before I did, the Lee nightmare bothered me. I turn on my computer and see that it's true. IT'S TRUE!

Can't believe it. Amaro is unbelievable. How do you beat this rotation?

And Lee may be the most popular Phillies player ever, even if he doesn't pitch perfect games and postseason no-hitters like Halladay. Why? Because he is one of the first players I can remember who truly loves Philly and loves Phillies fans so much that he spurned about 40-50 million dollars from other teams to come back to pitch on Pattison Ave.

And best of all from a Philly perspective is that he spurned the Yankees and their money. Yankee fans must really, really despise this guy because not only does he beat them in October, but now he's ruining their Christmas as well.

From a reporter/columnist perspective, I guess this is good for me because I may get to cover a few more Phillies postseason games in the next couple of years with a few of my colleagues.

From the perspective of being a lifelong Cardinals fan, however, this is a nightmare.

First, the Yankees not getting Lee will make them even more determined than ever to get Albert Pujols during next year's free agency. And they'll even have more money to spend.

Plus, this move drops the Cardinals much further away from the Phillies from a competitive standpoint.

I thought the Cards had improved themselves in the offseason with some of the moves they made, but the Phillies just blew them and the rest of the NL out of the water with the Lee signing. Even if the Phils offense continues to falter as it did against the Giants, they should win 100 games by default next season.

If they don't at least make it back to the World Series next year, it would have to be regarded as one of the biggest failures in city sports history because no Philly team I can remember will carry greater expectations into a season with them then the 2011 Phillies. No one and I mean no one will not make them the favorite to win the World Series.

I guess Phillies fans will have a Merry Christmas.

Me? I am just going back to sleep and hoping for more pleasant dreams.


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