Sunday, November 28, 2010

The NASD School Board voted to remove $500,000 in escrow to improve the intersection of Friedenstahl and East Lawn Road/191


The NASD School Board voted to remove $500,000 in escrow to improve the intersection of Friedenstahl and East Lawn Road/191 according to an article in the Express Times.

Upper Nazareth Township (UNT) required the NASD to improve the intersection as a condition of locating the new MS on Friendenstahl road. Recently, PADOT’s review of the improvement plan was rejected and that prompted the school to withdraw funds.

The article quotes UNT solicitor Gary Asteak: "If they take back the money, we'll just have to void their building permit after the fact," Asteak said. "It's just ludicrous."

The school coupled with increased traffic from the development in the surrounding area requires improvements to the intersection, it will be interesting to see how this plays out. The NASD is currently in a legal battle with Lower Nazareth Township over solar panels and it looks like this situation could expand to the same.

Posted via email from Ross Nunamaker

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