Thursday, November 18, 2010



Two articles in the Express-Times this week regarding drugs.

First, the Nazareth HS wrestlers who had felony charges against them this summer, Ryan Krecker and Franco Ferraina were in court and accepted into the juvenile version of ARD (read the article here). Upon successful completion of the program the charges will be removed from their record. Of interest, the article notes that the two served out their school drug policy violations during cross country season.

The boys cross country team was undefeated this season, which means these two, having never competed on the team before, would have had to made the varsity line-up prior to being suspended in order to serve their violation. They also had meetings and community service, that according to the policy, also had to be completed before they could serve their suspension. I don’t believe given the timeline of events the policy could have been followed in the correct order, but instead that things happened concurrently to get them done. It would probably lessen the black-eye to the school and wrestling program to have these two sit out the appropriate time during the wrestling season.

Second, a Nazareth resident was cited for growing two marijuana plants in his home on Penn Street and having equipment to grow two more. A police tip initiated the investigation.

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