Monday, October 25, 2010



Both the Express-Times and the Morning Call have articles on a rally that took place at Gracedale to keep the facility in the hands of the county and not be sold.

The articles note that about 50 - 75 people were at the rally. The Coalition of Alzheimer Families and two unions organized the event and indicated they are planning to get enough signatures to put the issue on the spring ballot. The ballot question would be an attempt to force the county to keep the facility for five years.

In order to get on the ballot, organizers will need just under 20,000 signatures, or 10% of those registered to vote in the county.

Estimates by the county indicate there will be a $6 million operating loss by the facility over five years and need of about $12 million for capital improvement over the next two years.

Posted via email from Ross Nunamaker

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