Monday, September 27, 2010

Freedom to name new wrestling coach


The Bethlehem Area School Board is expected to approve 34-year-old Brandon Hall as Freedom's new wrestling coach Monday night.

Hall, a Tussey Mountain High School and Lycoming College graduate, was an assistant coach for the last 10 years under Jeff Karam, including eight seasons at Freedom before the pair moved on to Bethlehem Catholic two years ago.

Hall will replace Rich McIntyre, who has coached the Patriots the last two seasons but withdrew his name as a candidate for the 2010-2011 season late month after the board pulled his name from the coaches list in July during an executive personnel session.

"I'm absolutely excited to become a head coach," Hall said. "It's something I've always looked forward to."

Hall is a therapist specializing in children autistic disorder. He has obtained a teaching certificate in secondary social studies and is working toward a master's degree in education at East Stroudsburg University.,0,6107652.story

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