Tuesday, January 05, 2010


By Irene Kraft

Of The Morning Call

5:57 a.m. EST, January 5, 2010
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Paul Garzillo, 18, a senior at Nazareth High School, is hot -- or so says Seventeen magazine.

The Bushkill Township teen is one of 17 young men from across the nation selected by the magazine as its "hottest guys."

As a hot guy, Paul appears in the February issue of Seventeen, now on newstands.

But being selected is not just about looking good. For the next year, Paul will tackle the task of answering teen girls' online questions about love and relationships. And, as hot guy/counselor to the lovelorn, "you'll be seeing me in the magazine again," he says.

It all started in early Oct. 2009, when Paul's 19-year-old sister, Brittany, a freshman at Moravian College, saw that Seventeen magazine was looking for good-looking guys to offer love advice. She immediately thought about her brother.

"She's always had a lot of confidence in me," says Paul.

Together, he and Brittany wrote a brief description of him, filled out a questionnaire and submitted multiple photos. Within a few days, Paul was contacted by the magazine to answer more questions, and within a week, he knew he was heading to New York City for a photo shoot as one of the magazine's hottest guys.

"They must have thought I knew what I was talking about," says Paul, who has a fairly good track record.

He has been dating his current girlfriend, Sarah Kate Young of Nazareth, for 10 months.

Sarah is having fun introducing him as her hot guy, he says, although adding, "I wouldn't say it. I'm pretty humble."

Going to New York for the photo shoot was exciting and fun, says Paul. "They took about 200 photos." For half the shots, he had to wear a white T-shirt with the words "secret mushball" written on it -- a phrase the magazine people chose to describe Paul, who says he wouldn't mind a career in modeling.

A son of Paul and Roslyn Garzillo of Bushkill Township, he plans to attend Moravian College in the fall, but still is uncertain what field he'll pursue.

Check out Paul and hear some of his views about love and relationships on a Seventeen magazine video on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGiuR7TdSUA

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