Friday, June 27, 2008

Keith Groller Story about June 26, 2008

Hectic Thursday capped with a visit to "The Weave"
Total People in Discussion: 1
Some day, I'll probably miss a day like Thursday and all the hustle and bustle it brought for yours truly. Some day, I'll be bored and miss the action.
But right now, as I type away at 10:30 Friday morning, I'm still recovering from my Thursday, which was quite hectic. I am not an athlete and don't pretend to be, but there's still a mental and physical toll that us writers endure, and right now I feel like I pitched nine innings, ran a marathon or at least climbed up the J. Birney Crum Stadium or Goodman Stadium steps or Yankee Stadium ramps about 10 times.
Quick recap: Began day with a couple of doctor visits around the Valley (sorry to disappoint those hoping for me to have a prolonged stay on the disabled list, but these were fairly routine stops). Then I rushed around to finish the "Around the Valley" column for C2 in today's sports section.
Then it was off to Philly for the third time in four days for the Softball Carpenter Cup. Fortunately, the Lehigh Valley girls did their part to make my day as easy as possible with a one-and-done win, and the championship. It's a shame that those girls couldn't stay together longer. What a nice, talented bunch. John Eyer stopped short of calling them the best team he's had in four years of coaching our Carpenter Cup entry, but I get the feeling he thought these girls were the best.
Then it was time for rush-hour traffic on I-95, bumper-to-bumper style, for several miles approaching the Blue Route.
Worked my way through that and headed toward Nazareth. Stopped in at the Wegman's at 248, and had my favorite -- a roast beef sub -- and then encountered a not-so-favorite thing -- a faulty wireless connection. I typed up the softball story, but despite lugging my laptop all over the cafe area seeking a hot spot, I couldn't connect to the Internet.
Game time at the McDonald's All-Star Football Game was approaching. What to do?
It pays to have friends in this business. .
I could always use more, I know, but I do have a great one in Nazareth, one who lives right near the school and football stadium. It's my man, my go-to guy in Blue Eagle Country, the one and only Andy "The Weave" Weaver.
We've been friends since I did a story on him in 2003. I saluted him for his spirit and enthusiasm, even as he has been confined to a wheelchair and battled cerebral palsy his entire life. He's one of my favorite people in this Valley, an inspiration to yours truly, and I'd say that even if he hadn't claimed to be "The President -- and lone member -- of the Keith Groller Fan Club."
Anyway, "The Weave" and his family saved the day. They allowed me a place to work in their home. First, I sent the softball story from their house. Then I walked to the game with them.
After the game -- a very entertaining, pass-happy contest -- I hustled back to their house to do the football story. I don't know if they expected me to be as late as I was, but no one showed me the door. The Weave and his father were very patient as I battled through the lengthy and tedious stats and a couple versions of my story. I finally wrapped everything up around 11:30.
What a great gesture by "The Weave" and his family. Without them, a long day would have gotten much longer. The worst part about covering a game in Nazareth for me, is that it's in Nazareth. Nothing against the town, or school. It's just not a convenient location to any of our offices and there's no place to work from.
But "The Weave" saved the day and I won't forget it.
It's too bad there are no Weaves living near Limeport because that's where I am headed tonight for the Blue Mountain League All-Star Game. It promises to be another late one in a tough location in terms of working arrangments. My home is about 15 minutes away, but there are about three, usually deer-covered hillsides separating Limeport from my doorstep. Could be interesting. I'll be rooting for the pitchers, that's for sure.
I am bolstered by the fact that my first week of vacation -- even if it's another rainy one at the shore -- is just two days away.

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