Sunday, April 20, 2008


Monday April 21, 2008 SAD NEWS TO START THIS MORNING. My Buddy John Marzano died on Saturday A Heart Attack Only 45 years old. Former Major league Baseball Player and now a broadcaster. He was supposed to help with my new radio show next week on ESPN 950 in Philly But I guess not now. He just e-mailed me on Thursday, 2 days before he suddenly died. I am in Shock. I really am I don’t know what to think. He was a very caring and loving person and has fun with his job. I am really going to miss John. It goes to show, we never know what something might happen We need to live life the fullest. Enjoy everyday with a smile because we just never know when we might go. I truly hope you enjoyed my e-mail on Friday It had a lot of people in tears. I was even a little upset when I read my own e-mail. Saturday was Fantastic That was the Best day of my life! I got to throw out the First Pitch! It was on LIVE TV TOO! It was also on WJAC NBC 6 At 6:00pm and on FOX 8 AT 10PM SATURDAY NIGHT! FAMOUS HERE IN JOHNSTOWN! I threw a curveball I got 2 shirts with autographs, a real Major League Baseball Bat autographed too!!!! 2 MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL PLAYERS WERE THERE! 2 PITTSBURG PIRATES! Mike Holtz and Rich. I forget Rich’s Last Name! Saturday was a Thrill of a life time! BIG THANKS TO THE WEST SURBURBAN LITTLE LEAGUE FOR MAKING SATURDAY A REAL SPECIAL DAY TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT REALLY MEANS A LOT TO ME!!!!!!!!!! THEY INTRODUCED ME AND EVERYTHING! TUESDAY I AM IN A PLAY! 2:00PM IN THE AFTERNOON! IT WILL BE TELEVISED LIVE AT 2PM! THE PLAY IS CALLED ‘’The Great Recreation’’ I am a Tree! Should be a interesting 1 hour being a ‘’Tree’ I hope CAMBRIA SPECIAL OLYMPICS DID WELL IN THEIR TOURNAMENT AT ST. FRANCIS ON SUNDAY! I forgot to mention 2 people on Friday that are in every class with me Carol Collins and Arthur Barbauor Both are great to me! I also forgot to mention in 2006 when a DEER Came through the ANNEX. That was awful how that DEER Came right in. It wanted to learn…….. The 76ers pulled off a big upset over Detroit on Sunday in the playoffs! GO 76ERS! Good Morning! How are you? How was your weekend? Did you enjoy the weather? What did you do all weekend? Anything special? I am wonderful! It was a busy weekend for me. Saturday was at the BASEBALL FIELDS FROM 12:18PM TO 5:59PM 6 HOURS OUTSIDE ON SATURDAY. SUNDAY WE DID NOT GO DRAG RACING. THEY CLOSED THE TRACK. WE WENT FISHING INSTEAD ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON. I WORKED ALL WEEKEND! ALL THE STUDENTS WERE WELL BEHAVED!!!!!!!! I WAS THE ONLY STAFF MEMBER! HAD TO CARRY THE RADIO WITH ME! Classes went great this term! Last week in Johnstown Friday is Graduation at 2pm Everybody is invited. The Whole West Surburban Little League people are coming. Is the Gym big enough for everybody I know?????????? I know a lot of people here in Johnstown and they all said they are coming. Are there enough seats for everybody that I know????????????? People don’t realize how many people I know in this area. I truly hope I can live in a apartment in this area but not holding my breath but never say never. SONGS OF THE DAY: Bad Day Who Says You Can’t Go Home Breathe 2AM Low Crank IT Beautiful You’re Beautiful Apologize Big Girls Don’t Cry SCHEDULE: Monday April 21: 9am PAYROLL 9am Jody Mac 10am Glen Mac 11am PRICE IS RIGHT 2pm COST ACCOUNTING 6:30pm PLAY PRACTICE IN GYM 8:30pm PHILLIES AT ROCKIES BASEBALL ON COMCAST 10pm WYLN NEWS AT 10PM 10:50pm CLOSE REC. HALL Tuesday April 22: 8am STAFFING 9am Jody Mac 10am Glen Mac 1:30pm GET READY FOR THE PLAY IN THE GYM 2pm PLAY IN THE GYM: THE GREAT RECREATION 5:30pm LL BASEBALL: SHEEHAN VS BOLTZ 8:30pm PHILLIES AT ROCKIES BASEBALL ON COMCAST 10pm WYLN NEWS AT 10PM 10:50pm CLOSE REC. HALL Wednesday April 23: 9am PAYROLL 9am Jody Mac 10am Glen Mac 11am PRICE IS RIGHT 2pm COST ACCOUNTING 5:15pm WENT TO MAKE SMORES (ALL NIGHT UNTIL ABOUT 10PM) 10pm WYLN NEWS AT 10PM 10:50pm CLOSE REC. HALL Thursday April 24: 9am Jody Mac 9am AUDITING 10am Glen Mac 11am PAYROLL 6pm RCN TALK ON RCN4 7:30pm JOLLY JOE TIMMER SHOW ON RCN4 10pm WYLN NEWS AT 10PM 10:50pm CLOSE REC HALL- FOR THE LAST TIME FOREVER Friday April 25: LAST DAY IN JOHNSTOWN FOREVER GRADUATION AT 2PM IN THE GYM 9am Jody Mac 10am GRADUATION PRACTICE IN THE GYM 1:30pm GET SET FOR GRADUATION 2pm GRADUATION IN THE GYM 3:30-4:00pm LEAVE JOHNSTOWN FOR LIFE THANKS FOR ALL THE GREAT MEMORIES THAT WILL LAST FOR A LIFETIME- FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS THE BEST 3 YEARS OF MY LIFE!!!!! Another E-Mail on Wednesday! Have a Great 2 Days! Nazareth Number 1 Fan! West Suburban Number 1 Fan!!!!!!!!! See you on Wednesday! Over and Out! RECAP FROM THE PLAY ON WEDNESDAY! Weave!!!!!!!!!!!

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